Monday, April 6, 2020

Let's DISH On The Post Office

From time to time, I have bad-mouthed disparaged the local dead-mouse-smelling post office. I see no reason to issue a retraction. You might recall that I've mentioned a problem with my DISH bill getting to me and back to DISH on time.

Supposedly, the DISH bill comes out on the 10th of the month. DISH sends me an email that my bill is ready. Good for my bill. It can wait until I'M good and ready to mail it. Yes. MAIL it. I'm not paying online unless absolutely necessary. By the time my bill arrives in EmBee, it is usually around the 15th-19th of the month. It is due on the 25th.

I give that bill a quick turnaround. Pop it in the mail the same day it arrives. Which means it will go out the next day, since my mail is delivered after the pick-up date at the local post offices. February, I got the bill on Tuesday, February 19th. I filled out the check, and drove to town. I figured it MIGHT have time to get there. Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday, and Monday was the 25th. Of course it wasn't there by the 25th, so I paid a one-time payment online.

For March, I was sure I'd have that credit in there, once my check had arrived. Yet DISH didn't show my credit. I was all ready to call and give them a piece of my mind on March 24. Then I called the bank's automated line, and discovered that indeed, the check had never cleared. So I paid my March bill online, since the March check was not there yet, either. checking since, the March payment DID arrived, so I'm a payment ahead in credit. Still no sign of the February payment. Until...

THAT explains it! For some reason, my DISH bill was returned to sender! That's ME! The SENDER! I had proper postage. The address showed through the opening, along with their barcode. I have no idea why the yellow sticker says my bill had an address NOT KNOWN. And where was it for all that time? It was sent back March 29. I got it April 1. I guess I'm the April fool, thinking all this time my check was being processed. Those blackouts are theirs. The purple-out is mine, courtesy of PAINT.

Seriously. That's DISH'S return envelope, with the address on their pay stub showing through the window. If you zoom in, you can see a barcode.

I'm pretty sure this is the fault of the post office. The dead-mouse-smelling post office, specifically, since I took a chance and mailed it there. Even went inside the dead-mouse-smelling lobby, and put it in the flip-door thingy, looking to make sure it went down in their bin.

Something's rotten in the post office of Hillmomba.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Maybe you could convince Farmer H to drive around, delivering your payments by hand.

If you're lucky, some of the bills go to companies half-way across the state. That way, you'd have the house to yourself for part of your days every month.

Hillbilly Mom said...

YES! He can drive the DISH bill. It goes to Palatine, Illinois. I think it's the Sprint bill that goes to Pasadena. Sadly, it arrives on time.

River said...

Time to move on and never use that dead mouse Post Office again. Unreliability gets them nowhere in the popularity stakes.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I sent Farmer H to the MAIN POST OFFICE, over in Sis-Town, to mail the boys' Easter packages. Not taking a chance with them!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

We sent a registered letter to a delinquent renter and they were not there to sign for it and they never went to the post office to retrieve it. After three attempts to deliver, It was supposed to be returned to us. That is why we paid $7. The tenant is 8 months behind and with that receipt we could file a new title for their camper and sell it to get the $2,000 they owe. With the stub we were able to follow the procedure on line. BUT, the post office LOST the receipt! And the on-line trail is gone now. When HeWho asked for the $7 back because they failed to do their job, she laughed at him. Now we have to do the entire process again. I can only get $1,000 for the camper, but it is better than nothing.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's how they acted when I was missing TWO BOXES of books! The publisher replaced them, but I think they suspected I was scamming them. Nope! The scammers are the POST OFFICE! The last place my books were tracked was in St. Louis. Then they disappeared. I bet someone was REALLY disappointed when they saw what they had stolen!

I hope you get your camper money, even if the $7 is gone for good!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

the last known whereabouts of that receipt was St. Louis!! We could solve this mystery!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

We'll have to wear our Mystery, Inc. badges! I'll let you drive the Mystery Machine, since I don't like highway driving. Is Jessica Fletcher still kickin'? We can make her an honorary member.