Friday, October 1, 2021

I Was Almost Ready To Call Goldilocks

Jack Twist would have a better chance of quitting Ennis Del Mar than Mrs. HM has of quitting her Hardee's taco salad. 

It's been nearly a year since I had one. Oh, not because I'm health-conscious or anything. I just got tired of being disappointed so often. I could have easily made this a taco salad blog. When I looked back through my blog's search bar with "taco salad," I found over 10 posts referencing the taco salad! Several with pictures! It would seem that I'm addicted. Or obsessed. 

Anyhoo... Wednesday, Farmer H and The Pony were having leftover spaghetti for supper. 
I wanted a taco salad. I picked one up at Hardee's, a bit apprehensive about what might be inside the box. The last documentation I have of a Hardee's taco salad is from November 4, 2020. I did NOT write about it because it was so pleasing...

When I took my taco salad out of the bag, I grew more apprehensive.
Sweet Gummi Mary! How in the Not-Heaven can you dirty-up the outside of a taco salad box like that? I'm HOPING it was just refried beans clinging to the boxer's hands. Which would mean they dipped out the refried beans with their fingers. But considering the other possible dirtying agent, that would be the least of my worries. Maybe Charlie Brown's buddy PigPen works at Hardee's now.

I must say, upon opening that box, I was quite pleased. At first...

A nice fluffy shell. All the ingredients. Nothing slopped on the box. Except the lettuce caught my eye... This taco salad has traditionally been made with shredded lettuce. Sometime over the past 11 months, I suppose their policy changed. This was ROMAINE lettuce. That's okay. I like romaine lettuce. Though not necessarily in a taco salad. AND the lettuce at the 10:00 position is BROWN. I picked it out. 
Upon eating my taco salad, I discovered that most of the refried beans were on the outer box. And that 3-4" lengths of romaine hearts were in the bottom. But that's still okay. It was one of the best taco salads I've had in the past... um... 11 months.

Here are some past FAILS by Hardee's in the taco salad quest.

Such a tiny little fella!

Somebody didn't have good aim with the sour cream. And took a bite of shell. 


A revenge plot, perhaps? Or did they build this one while wearing those "drunk" goggles that the drunk-driving assembly presenters put on the principal and have him ride a tricycle through an orange-cone obstacle course in the gym?



River said...

I have to say this because it is bugging me: I noticed that lately, you and several other bloggers are using the word "that" where it should be "than"
Why is that?
also, I'm glad you finally had another Taco salad and it was a good one.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would love to say that's a new trend, and only the cool kids are doing it. But in my case, it's my mind working faster than my fingers, and sloppy proofreading. FIXED IT!

Even when I DO proofread, which I do at least once before posting, I find several errors of this kind. It's only happened in the last couple years. Maybe my mind is going... It's not a typo, because the keys aren't close to each other. I think of what I want to say, but my fingers type something similar. It might be "me" in place of "my," and I'm not even British! Or it might be "mine" in place of "my." There's no routine about it.

My taco salad experience was so positive that I got another one on Friday. Of course there's more to tell...

Sioux Roslawski said...

Perhaps your sloppy proofreading means you should go back to teaching--perhaps english classes--so you can brush the rust off and become more careful...

You could teach a combo class--how to listen and take an order, how to fulfill the order--all done accurately, along with writing lessons.

A little Brokeback Mountain AND the Brothers Grimm (did they come up with Goldilocks)? What a bonus.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nah. I am providing a service: for other people to practice proofreading MY mistakes! I'm selfless like that. A quick once-over, and I hit PUBLISH.

My combo class would be on how to actually take MONEY if the register won't work, instead of plastic, and make change. Like when given a twenty and a dime and a nickel, for a $5.15 order, how to hand back a ten and a five. NOT a ten and four ones and a handful of change totaling $1.00.

I don't think the Grimms created Goldilocks. They were grimmer in their lessons. More serious than a broken chair. Mrs. HM is, after all, a renaissance gal, and likes to mix her genres...