Saturday, October 30, 2021

Socking It To The Pony

Farmer H had business in Casino Town on Friday. He sprung that fact on me Thursday night, with an invitation to accompany him. I've been fighting another bout of the sinus ear/jaw/tooth pain, so at first I wasn't sure. However... since I haven't been to a casino in over two months, I agreed. 

I felt bad for The Pony, who had to work. But I selflessly volunteered to gamble some of his money for him, in slots of his choosing, at the bet and amount he wanted to risk. Unfortunately, he was NOT a big winner, but I returned with $75 for him. Farmer H left $40 ahead, and I dropped 3/8 of the casino bankroll I took along. Coulda been worse!

At least I had a good time, and a lunch of Catfish Nuggets and Tater Tots. Farmer H had the same. We combined our leftovers to bring home an instant supper for The Pony. Who beat us home by about 15 minutes! He only had to work a little over 9 hours. It was like a half-day of school for him! 

"Don't you like getting home around 5:00? Like a normal work day?"

"Yes! And I finally saw next week's schedule, and I have TWO DAYS OFF!"

At that point his phone rang. It was the manager. Moving his days off from consecutive, to Tuesday and Thursday. STILL, it's TWO DAYS OFF!

"I guess maybe they got in trouble for working you so much, those 70-hour weeks."

"Mom. I've already worked 58 hours THIS week. So I don't think that's it."

"You said you have three new people. So I bet they need the LLVs for them to get training."

"Yeah, probably."

"What time do you go in on Saturday?"

"I'm scheduled for 9:30, but with it being SATURDAY, I'm pretty sure someone won't show up, and they'll call me in early."

"Are you getting up to be ready, just in case?"

"No. I'm scheduled for 9:30. If they call me early, I'll get there when I get there."

Poor Pony. Friday was rainy all day, with temps in the low 50s. I was afraid he'd freeze. He didn't want a jacket when he left. He has a rain jacket and pants in his car. At least he was wearing pants instead of shorts. IF you consider black with tiny white polka-dot legging-looking garb to be pants. It was still classier than the booty-shorts of the fired-and-quit colleagues earlier in the summer.

The Pony said he was a little bit cold, but he worked through it. His biggest concern was the fact that part of one foot turned black.

"Oh, that's just from your sock. Or your shoes getting wet."

"I DID wear my new socks without washing them first. I HOPE that's all it is."

Nothing a 2-hour soak in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom couldn't fix...


Sioux Roslawski said...

Wearing socks without washing them first? That's something only a boy would do. (I hope girls know better than that.)

River said...

I always wear things without washing them first. I've had various body parts multi-hued, green feet with navy torso, red feet with black ribs. It all comes out in the wash.
How is the sinus/ear/jaw/tooth? You may need a dentist.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I confess to wearing SOCKS without washing them first. No ill effects. Then again, I didn't wear them walking in the rain for 9 hours in black leather shoes.

Your description for some reason reminds me of 1980s fashions!

This pain comes and goes. I do need to see a dentist, but I don't think this is my current problem, since it GOES AWAY COMPLETELY when I stand in the shower with my head under hot water. Also, the pain is in both upper and lower jaws, shoots through my right ear at random times, and is even in the soft tissue of my cheek. Sometimes I get a tingly feeling like when a dentist numbing shot wears off. So I think it has something to do with my facial nerve(s) being compressed by the sinuses.

River said...

Huh. Neuralgia. See a doctor. As in make an appointment and get help, not just see a doctor walking down the street or on a TV show.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I literally JUST SAW a doctor! On Tuesday. Or at least my nurse practitioner... In fact, I TOLD him I was having that pain in the side of my head, and he kind of laughed it off, and said, "Oh, we've had SO MANY people come in with sinus problems."

I guess he laughed at all of them, and suggested no treatment. He didn't even look in my ear or throat or up my nose! He at least used to do that. Nor did they take my temperature while I was there! This is why I am incensed that he can't just renew my prescriptions every 6 months over the phone. It's not like I get a full exam when they force me to come in.

Also, when they called with the lab results, their word was EXCELLENT. So if I'd had an actual infection, I'm pretty sure my white blood cell count would have been up, and NOT excellent.

River said...

So I'm guessing you have the same type of deep sinus hayfever I get, not the watery eyes, drippy nose type that advertise on TV for things like Zyrtec and Telfast which don't work for me.
Are you allergic to mould at all?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't know what it is, but it never bothered me this bad until the past couple years. I'm pretty sure goldenrod makes me wheezy and snotty. I used to travel from Newmentia to Lower Basementia every afternoon, from a parking space near a patch of goldenrod. By the time I got to Lower Basementia, I was having nose trouble.

I don't know about mold. I'm pretty sure DUST is a big factor, and since our heat has just started running with the change in weather, I figure the ductwork blew out six months accumulation of dust to circulate in the Mansion.