Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Farmer H Pulls A Veal Prince Orloff

Were you a fan of the Mary Tyler Moore show? I never missed it. One of my favorite episodes was The Dinner Party. Ol' Mare never could throw a decent dinner party! This one has her boss Lou biting off a bit more than Mary wanted him to chew. There's even Henry Winkler in it, before he was The Fonz! Anyhoo... Farmer H pulled a Veal Prince Orloff with supper on Tuesday night... [Here's a link for the whole 24-minute episode. The Lou Grant/Veal Prince Orloff part is at 18:40 to 20:25.]

A couple days ago, I bought some of the hamburgers on sale at Country Mart. We really liked them last time. These were not the big fat burgers from before, that came six in a pack. They were smaller. Ten in a pack. Farmer H grilled four of them for us to have for supper Monday night. My plan was to use the others for taco meat. It's been forever since we had tacos. Or what are really burritos, because we use the big tortillas to roll up the fixin's.

I got everything ready. The flavoring was in the hamburger. I had warmed some refried beans in another skillet. Had three small bowls of lettuce, onions, and shredded cheddar set out. And the jar of salsa. I called Farmer H to make his plate.

"You can have whatever you want of the onions, lettuce, and cheese. I can put out more if I need it. There should be enough meat for us to have them tomorrow, too."

Farmer H plodded to the kitchen. He snatched up one of the good paper plates. Not that I care. He likes the sturdy ones, since he eats in his recliner. I use the plainer plates, since I sit at the table. Sweet Gummi Mary! Farmer H picked up the spoon and reached for the meat skillet.

"What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Don't you need a TORTILLA first?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot."

I had even laid out two of the tortillas for Farmer H, by the onions, lettuce, and cheese on the cutting block. He got his tortilla and spooned the meat while I was looking for containers to store the leftovers. Then he got his other tortilla. He was stumping out of the kitchen when I turned around.

"I thought we were going to have this again tomorrow! You took HALF! Half the meat! I guess I'll take a little less than I planned. So you can still have it tomorrow..."

"I can have something else tomorrow."

"Yes. You CAN. But that means I have to MAKE something else! I was planning on two meals from this. I'll leave enough for you, and I can have something else. Something that doesn't take cooking."

"I don't care what I eat."

"And you left most of the cheese and stuff I said you could have what you wanted of!"

"HM. I don't eat as much as you think I do."

WHAT IN THE NOT-HEAVEN? He ate MORE than I thought he would! 

Farmer H didn't even volunteer to put back any taco meat.


River said...

"I don't care what I eat" as long as I get 95% of the meat and none of that healthy stuff.
Ha Ha.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, like when he dipped himself that tower of vegetable beef soup, with no vegetables, and no "juice" because he doesn't like "juice" in his soup.