Saturday, August 6, 2022

Nice Guys Finish Fast

For those of you who kindly pointed out the selflessness of Farmer H when he picked up a candy corn kernel and a pretzel from the kitchen floor, after driving for 11.5 hours across four state lines... some new information might enlighten you on the limits of such selflessness.
Thursday, Farmer H grilled hamburgers on GassyG Jr. There were two left that I earmarked for his supper the next evening. As he was heading to his recliner with his food, I put the two extra burgers in a rectangular Chinese Tupperware container, and set them on the cutting block to cool.

Farmer H returned to the kitchen after eating. Oh, not to throw away the paper towel and plate where I had drained his pickle slices for him, nor the plate I had used to slice his onion. I'd already cleaned that up. He came to get some little lemon cookies that I'd bought him. You know, the small bag of store-brand cookies that used to cost $1, but are now 2-for-$3.

Not long after THAT, Farmer H brought those little cookies back to the kitchen, and set their bag on the cutting block beside the two hamburgers that I'd left out to cool. You might think that someone so helpful as himself would snap the lid on the now-cooled hamburgers, and turn to slide them into FRIG II. You would think wrong. Even though they were HIS future burgers, and he's put away such items before, he left them for me to walk across the kitchen and cover and FRIG them.

I guess Farmer H's selflessness DOES know bounds. He's all finished being Mr. Nice Guy.


Sioux Roslawski said...

No. You are wrong again. He did not want to ASSume that you wanted them in the fridge when they were cooled (and everybody knows what happens when somebody assumes something).

Give him the credit he is due! Immediately! And, retroactively!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Oh, sure. Because of course Farmer H never wants to make an ASSume-thing out of himself! The only credit he gets is on the credit card, when he neglects to inform me of a purchase, which means he IS getting it retroactively by the time I figure it out.

River said...

I suppose he was "playing it safe" by assuming those burgers might not yet be cooled enough to snap on the lid and refrigerate them. BUT...he could have called to you, "should I cover these and put them in the fridge now?"
We all know such a thought would never cross his thoughtless mind :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I was sitting right there at the kitchen table when he put down the cookie bag RIGHT NEXT TO THE BURGERS. I should have commanded him to do it, but silly me, I thought he might have some common sense and a still-smoldering spark for taking care of things in the kitchen.