Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Something Is Fishy In The Hamlet Of Hillmomba

Sweet Gummi Mary! If it's not one thing, it's your (significant) other! 

Farmer H went to pick up his medicine refills on Friday, and they were OUT of his diabetes jab that he pokes into his own thigh once a week, at an extravagant cost thanks to him languishing in the donut hole. No. I don't mean Farmer H's penchant for clandestine Casey's donuts every morning. I mean the time from the first of the year until he can meet the sky-high deductible of his medicare Part Something-Or-Other.

He's been on this medicine for years. We pay the fee and spew vitriol for a few days. At tax time we get a little break on state taxes due to our out-of-pocket medical costs. 

Anyhoo... the pharmacy tech told Farmer H they were OUT of his diabetes medicine. She said she didn't know if there was ANY of it in the county, and that the earliest they expected any was NEXT FRIDAY. To which another pharmacy tech chuckled, and said, "Good luck with that."

Farmer H called his nurse practitioner to see if she could prescribe something else, and she said no. That she had to wait until the actual DOCTOR was in the office, which is ONCE A WEEK, on Tuesdays. 

Farmer H seems to think this is no big deal. I think it's a very big deal. In fact, I gave him a piece of my mind. I have enough to share! I decreed that at the very least, Farmer H needed to STOP sneaking donuts every morning, and STOP having ice cream and/or a snack pie for an after-supper snack. That he should eat more protein for a snack, if he had anything at all.

So far, Farmer H says he's going without his sugar fix. I probably should have also specified CANDY BARS, in case Farmer H tries to say he didn't know there was sugar in candy bars! I do know that I have not seen him eat ice cream or pie or cookies in the evening. Though I think I caught him chomping a Halls Mentholyptus Honey Lemon Cough Drop last night. Still, that's an improvement.

Now is the time you should strap on your tinfoil hat. Yes, I understand that most of you don't have one. I can loan you one, free of charge, but you'll have to find your own momma's basement. 


People have been taking it for years. If we've had such a die-off of the co-morbid diabetics due to the VIRUS, there should be a surplus of this diabetes medicine, shouldn't there? 

Something is fishy. There is a plethora of VIRUS shots these days. Even with people taking two, three, four, five shots! All the boostering, the mandates in some countries, you'd think the factories must be working three shifts, 24/7/365 over the past two years. Like 10,000 monkeys typing on 10,000 typewriters, creating Shakespearean literature.
Remember when those shots first rolled out? Had to be frozen a bazillion degrees below zero? Only the military could transport it and give shots, because only they had the special freezers? So scarce those shots were that everybody was clamoring for them! Like the hot new toy a few weeks before Christmas. Yet now, the very same shots are given at any pharmacy or grocery store! I'm surprised the highway-off-ramp beggars aren't offering to give jabs while you wait at the light!

Yet we are out of diabetes medicine? It's almost like there's a conspiracy afoot...


Rae said...

There are some people who would say there are "many" conspiracies afoot. If there is any truth to any of them, it is going to be a Winter that won't be forgotten. I hope they're wrong. Good luck to Hick finding diabetes medicine. It's not bad enough you have to practically take out a loan to afford it (and that's with insurance), now you have to hunt different pharmacies to try to locate it. Cut the sugar, Hick - it may be the only way. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, there is a plethora of circulating conspiracies. The trick is to check a variety of sources, and come to your own conclusion. I get suspicious of any information shoved down my throat by the media, and other information that is banned or hidden by social media. Somewhere in the middle is the truth.

I may do an update on the quest for the diabetes medicine. I've been after Farmer H for many years to cut the sugar! When first diagnosed, he was compliant. I switched to whole wheat bread and pasta. Made sure he had proteiny snacks. Cautioned him to add a protein if he had carbs. Didn't bring home sweet treats. Bought him the sugar-free candy for his Christmas stocking. THEN I found out he was cheating on me with Casey's donuts! He really went off the rails when given that shot thingy to take once a week. Like he relies on his medicines, and straps on the feedbag like a normal person with a giant sweet tooth!

River said...

Memory ticking over here...I read something in the papers here about a shortage because people who DON'T need it are buying huge amounts because of an ingredient that can be distilled out (or however they do it) to make illicit drugs of some kind.
I read this a while ago and the newspapers have long since been thrown out, but at the time I was glad that none of my family is diabetic. My mum was, but she died in 2004.
I'm sure "my" article was about Australia, but it could be happening there too.
I hope with all my fingers crossed that you are able to obtain Farmer H's medicine doses.

Hillbilly Mom said...

There's an idea. I have not heard about that, but I DO know that around here, there used to be a huge problem with the ne'er-do-wells buying the allergy and cold meds to use for making methamphetamine. In fact, my mom got quizzed in the Devil's Playground when she went to pick up a prescription for my niece. As Mom said back then, "I'm afraid they thought I was making The Meth." Anyhoo... now all the over-the-counter kind is locked up, and you have to ask for it.

Thank you for the crossed fingers. More of the tale coming up...

River said...

The Ephedrine and Psuedo-ephedrine ones. Here you can't get any by asking, it has to be doctor prescribed. The substitute doesn't work as well.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I've never used them, but we have over-the-counter versions like Sudafed (clever brand name for the pseudo-ephedrine!) that they keep locked up now. I think people were opening the boxes and stealing the blister packs in their pockets. Not sure, because I never stole any, heh, heh!