Sunday, August 14, 2022

Still Not Ready To Go Ireless

Mrs. HM is still not ready to reveal her incident from last Friday and release her ire. I prefer to hold onto my ire. Let it simmer and fester. The situation is still not resolved. But trust me. When I'm ready, you will get an ire-full.

In the meantime, let's have a snack. It will have to be a virtual snack, because Farmer H ate the last of the real thing on his trip to visit Genius in Pittsburgh.

That's the candy corn / peanut mix I made with the candy corn Farmer H bought at the auction. It wasn't the best for using in this mix, because of those pumpkins. Usually it's just the candy corn, and dry-roasted peanuts. You know what it's called? I think you do. I think I've mentioned it before.


That's because it tastes like a Payday candy bar. EXACTLY like it. All you do is pour candy corn and dry-roasted peanuts together, and shake them up. VOILA! You have a deconstructed Payday candy bar.

This batch wasn't so photogenic. I used the generic Save A Lot dry-roasted peanuts, not the brand-name Planters. Didn't change the taste. Just the prettiness. I doubt Farmer H noticed as he hoovered down fistfuls while driving.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Payday mix? I love Payday candy bars. In 6th grade, my school lunch every day was a tin of Vienna sausages and a Payday candy bar. My mom was a concerned parent, but also a saint--she let me go through my crazy phases.

(Now, even the thought of eating Vienna sausages horrifies me. It's the jelly in there. It's the texture, the appearance. It's all of it. Shudder.)

You continue to make me wait. But I cannot wait for the school year to begin. Today (yes, Sunday) I have to go to work. It's the day kids drop off their bookbags and school supplies.

I hear a tiny tee-hee bubbling up in Hillmomba...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I baked a cake today for HeWho endured all his scans and tests with a minimum of complaint. It turned out quite lovely, but as soon as the man starts cutting into it all bets are off. Fortunately the men we love only respond to taste!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Make yourself some Payday mix! It travels well. You can stash it in a desk drawer and sneak a bite while your model students are sneaking looks at their phones!

I like Vienna sausages, but I have to rinse out the jelly before taking them out of the can. The Pony used to take a cold hot dog every day for lunch, with a ketchup packet, and a mini bag of Cheetos.

There is no tiny tee-hee. There's a giant gasp of horror. SUNDAY? Are you going to sleep there next? This "...and other duties as required" stuff on a contract is getting ridiculous!

I used to joke with my cronies, "What are we going to do next, feed them breakfast and supper?" AND THEN WE DID! I miss the good old days. Oh, wait! I don't! Because I'm no longer working...

Does he like Paydays? Because this mix is way easier than a cake!

River said...

I have never heard of the payday mix or the candy bars, but we have plenty of candy bars with peanuts in them so I guess that's almost the next best thing.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Tastes like the candy bar, but you can have less than a candy bar amount, or more.