Monday, August 15, 2022

My Country Mart Boyfriend's Back

The Pony came out Sunday afternoon to help Farmer H with Poolio. We both thought he was closing Poolio for the season. A bit early this year, because Farmer H has a medical procedure coming up that precludes him from frolicking in Poolio.

However... Farmer H only used the pool vacuum thingy on some patches of moss/algae on Poolio's bottom. He needs someone standing on the outside to turn something on and off while he does it. My hip further dampened any smidgen of desire I had to help. So he waited for The Pony to have an early end of shift. Then confessed he had not yet gotten the chemicals to close Poolio for the winter.

Chatting with The Pony delayed my trip to town. Which necessitated me picking up supper for us, rather than cooking something. Poor Pony got the bum's rush! Farmer H got up and said he was going to Lowe's for Back-Creek Neighbor Bev's house. I said I had to get to Country Mart. Farmer H told The Pony to turn out the lights and lock up as he left! That's kind of rude. All I requested was that he bag the trash and carry it out to T-Hoe so I could drop it in the dumpster at the end of the driveway.
I was almost too late! The deli counter at Country Mart was nearing Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard status. Only a few pans with food still in the hot case. 


I haven't seen him for a while. It seems he was off growing a Jesus beard and mustache. He still remembered me, though. And greeted me with:

"I can give you a dinner for $2.49 since it's so late."

LATE? The night was but a pup! It was scarcely 6:00. I'd only had breakfast so far.

"Okay. How about a 2-piece chicken, with mashed potatoes and mac n cheese?"

"All right. What pieces?"

"A breast and a leg. And how about that pulled pork? How do you serve that? On a bun?"

"I'm all out of buns, but I can give you that as a side."

"Okay. For the second one, I'd like two thighs, mac n cheese, and the pulled pork."

"I only have one thigh. But I can give you these two little chicken strips with it."

"Okay. Sounds good."

"I'll wrap both dinners together, and just put on the regular price for one."

"That's fine. You always take such good care of me."
"You're a good customer!"
"You're always so nice. You and that lady. I don't know her name. She makes the pinwheels."
"Oh. Yeah. She's nice."
My deli Jesus boyfriend had to dummy-up quickly, because up behind me walked the deli manager I despise. Like a shark constantly circling, ready for blood.
Anyhoo... Farmer H and I had a cheap and filling supper.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Wow. I thought as much as teachers (and even former teachers) police people, they have to abide by the same rules cops do... such as they can't get a free meal (which is what you got when you got two meals for the price of one).

I wonder what kind of punishment should be handed out?

BTW, kids start tomorrow. And I gave myself a black eye in celebration. I'll post about it on Thursday.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Technically, I got two meals for the half-price amount of $2.49 each. Which is what he offered when I first walked up. I was actually doing him a favor, taking the dregs of the hot bar, so he wouldn't get in trouble for cooking too much and having waste! So there should be no punishment handed out for our metaphorical mutual backscratching, and mutual cleaning of one another like one hand washing the other.

Already trying to get out of a day of work, eh? Surely a black eye could lead to a concussion...

River said...

Apart from the lack of choices, it seems like a good time to shop, getting whatever is left at bargain prices.
I remember Friday and Saturday afternoons at the supermarket, people would start hanging around near the fresh meat cases waiting for the meat room worker to come out and start marking down the unsold stuff with less than two days to expiry dates, and then they'd swoop like vampires on the steaks and roasts. I hated when it was my turn to do the markdowns, with dozens of little old ladies breathing down my neck.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Funny how food goes from being "acceptable" one minute, to half price or expired the next! The vending machine man at school would toss all the expired chips in a box and leave them on the table for the teachers to pilfer.

When I worked at a Casey's, we sold fried chicken. At 10:00 p.m., all the chicken in the warmer had to be thrown out. We had a worker who would have her husband show up at that time. We'd put the "old" chicken in a clean trash bag, and set it on top of the dumpster outside. Then he'd pick it up. No need to waste it when it could feed their family and save them money. Yet policy was still followed.