Saturday, November 27, 2021

Another Cryptic Message From Farmer H

Living with Farmer H is not a walk in the park. Not a bicycle-built-for-two ride. Not a picnic. You have to constantly be on your toes, one tippy-toe ahead of Farmer H.

Here's the text that I received at 12:52 p.m.

"I got a ball for the refrigerator light and I'm going over to work on the house for a little while"

First of all, I was SHOCKED by the correct spelling and grammar. It was almost as if somebody else typed it for him. But knowing he'd been at his Storage Unit Store, I knew that was unlikely, as all Farmer H's "unit" cronies are of similar communicative ilk. Farmer H must have gotten lucky with autocorrect.

But then there was the issue of the BALL.

Why did Farmer H get a toy for FRIG II's light? I know Christmas is coming up, but we normally don't give our appliances gifts. And how would FRIG II's light even play with a ball? It has no arms! Besides, FRIG II is so stuffed with leftovers that there's no room to play ball inside. And how could anyone see to play ball inside closed FRIG II--


Did Farmer H mean he'd bought a BULB for FRIG II's light? Was there something amiss inside FRIG II? Everything was fine on Thursday night when I got out some leftovers. I hadn't opened the door since.

Yep! FRIG II was dark as a midnight in a black hole!

I would have taken a picture, but Farmer H got home as I was leaving the garage when I came back from town. He was so efficient that I couldn't get a pic! 

I hope FRIG II's light wasn't expecting a ball.


River said...

I wondered what the heck he meant by ball too. I guess it is too early for my brain this morning. I don't usually log on until about 3pm. but it is Sunday here and I can't go and buy the paper because shops here don't open until 11am. Shocking, right?
Anyway, I'm glad you figured out it must be a bulb. which brings up another shock. Farmer H voluntarily fixing something immediately??
I had to buy a bulb for my range hood light a while back and they only come in packs of two, they were on sale at the time so I bought two packs and now have three spares. I don't know how long they last, so probably I'll never need to buy another.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Maybe you were thinking of the wrong ball. Perhaps FRIG II was about to get its light all gussied up for a formal dance. That solves the other mystery, since that is not the best way to communicate arranging a formal dance for a part of an appliance.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That schedule wouldn't bother me! I'm not up until after 11:00 a.m.

Sweet Gummi Mary! Thanks for reminding me that I NEED A LIGHT FOR MY RANGE HOOD! Only one side works. It's been at least two months now. AND I also need a bulb for my OVEN. One side of the food always looks burned, yet when I spin the pan 180 degrees to even it up, the burned side looks fine, and the unburned side appears to be over-brown. That's been going on longer than the range hood.

Farmer H has been notified. So I guess he values seeing what food is in FRIG II more than he values me seeing what I'm stirring on the stove, or what I'm baking for him in the oven.

IN ADDITION... we have about 5 long mini fluorescent bulbs on top of FRIG II, which are replacements for my under-the-cabinet lights. Every two days, I have to shove them back from the edge. I think opening FRIG II's door gives them a vibration, and they slide off. One end of them is balanced on the rim of a large container that is kept on top of FRIG II. This is Farmer H's storage plan for the bulbs, not mine.

I hope it was not that kind of a ball! FRIG II's bulb would have been attending in her birthday suit! I was not notified of a ball, and did not have time to whip up a fancy dress from some old drapes...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I knew it was supposed to be bulb from the very first read. I am married to the same man!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, you have that advantage. And disadvantage.