Friday, November 5, 2021

Forecast: Bright And Sunny, Chance Of Leg-Pee

Sweet Gummi Mary! I wish I'd read the forecast for Thursday. I blame this oversight on my head pain from the double ear infection. I just was not thinking clearly. 

The Pony had the day off. I was still in my OPC (Old People Chair), having slept in fits and starts, when I heard his shower running at 9:30 a.m. I took my medicine, and went up to bed. At noon when I arose from my beauty sort-of sleep, The Pony was in the kitchen making pasta for his lunch. I had him bring me a banana to the table. No use over-exerting myself.

"Did you send the email to get a link to pay your post office money back?"

"Yes, Mother. Before I had a shower."

"Any response? Do you have the link?"

"Not yet."

"Did you check?"

"Yes, around 11:00."

"What about now?"

"It's NOT an automated response. Somebody has to read it."

I went about my morning routine. The Pony ate and rinsed out his dishes, then went back to his room. About 2:30, I asked again through his door if he had a response.

"Not yet."

"Okay. I'm getting in the shower, then going to town."

When I got back from town at 4:15, having NOT gone to the main post office, because I had didn't feel like driving very far, The Pony came out to the kitchen.

"Did you get a link yet?"

"No! But I DID get a SPAM email saying it's from Louis DeJoy, the Postmaster General! It's like a Nigerian money scam. It was in my spam folder. LOOK!"

I glanced at it, kind of dizzy, noting that it was, indeed a scam. 

"You STILL haven't heard anything? Did you send all the right information?"

"Yes, Mother. I sent what it asked for. My name and employee number and the amount to pay back."

"What did you put in the subject line?"

[I forget exactly what The Pony told me, but it was the right info to catch attention]

THEN I SAW IT! On the sidebar. The SENT email. With a time of 2:34.

"PONY! Why does this email say it was sent at 2:34? You told me you did it this morning!"

"Um. I THOUGHT I did it this morning? I know I had it ready. I thought I hit SEND. Sometimes my laptop won't send it if I don't have the right things open..."

"Oh, come on! You didn't send it until I left for town!"

"Nooooo... You left for town later than you think. Around 3:00."

"Then you didn't send it until I got in the shower!"


"I can't believe you let me keep worrying and asking if you heard back, when you hadn't even sent the email yet!!! Why couldn't you just say, 'I actually was just getting ready to send it.' Or 'I haven't sent it yet.' JUST SAY IT!"

"You're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be."

"You have 15 days to make the payment! You got the notice on Monday the 1st. You haven't got a link to pay yet. Tomorrow will be five days gone out of your 15!"

"No. Only four. I GOT it on Monday. So Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Four. You don't count the day you get it."

"You SHOULD have done it when you were off on Tuesday. But you wanted to talk to your shop steward first. What if you don't get a link by Friday? Then you need to get a check in the mail, and HOPE that darn post office can deliver it by 15 days!" You know it won't go out until Monday morning. And there's the Veteran's Day holiday in there..."

"Mom. It's not a big deal."

I beg to differ. Don't pee on my leg and tell me that it's raining. I've seen Judge Judy.


River said...

He's definitely Farmer H's son, giving you a bit of a runaround there.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah. I don't see the point. He was on top of all the worker's comp stuff, texting and calling two or three times a day to try and get his broken ankle appointment paperwork, and that pay that's going back.

I just wanted to get it over and done. He goes through periods of procrastination, but that's no reason to mislead me! Just say "I don't feel like doing it now. I'll have it done by XX:XX."

Sioux Roslawski said...

What will you do when he's in his own pasture... You won't have anything to write about.

Oh. I forgot. You still have Farmer H to provide you with fodder for your blog.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I was thinking about that while I wrote the next one. It will be like losing him all over again to college! Even though he'll only be across town. AND too busy to chat with me by phone. I'm already running out of subject matter. Farmer H has not been very entertaining lately.