Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Piper Is Paid, And The Infection Is Partially Slayed

Sweet Gummi Mary! I feel like a dentist sometimes! It's like pulling teeth to get one simple task accomplished by The Pony! Not sure what would happen without me being the gale force wind beneath his wings.

The Pony worked 11 hours on Friday. I was pleasantly surprised to learn, upon his arrival back at the Mansion at 8:00, that he HAD received the email link from the USPS to repay his salary overpayment.

"Oh, are you going to pay it tonight?"

"Probably not. I think I'll wait until Monday, when the shop steward should be back at work."

"Um. I don't think so. Did you read the email? Is there a time limit? A lot of links like that are only good for a couple of hours. Like when you get a code to reset a password."

"I haven't looked at it that close, because I was working. I'll read it after I get out of the tub."

"I think you need to pay it on Saturday. There's no need to wait. You already told your shop steward that you're paying it by debit, and she agreed. So just get it done. If your case gets reversed, you'll have to fight to get your back pay anyway. So this will just be one more week added in. At least it will be done, and they can't accuse you of scamming."

I didn't talk to The Pony again until Saturday (day off because he'll be working Veteran's Day on his planned day off) at 1:00.

"Did you pay your money with the link?"

"Not yet."

"What are you waiting for?"

"It doesn't have a time limit. And besides, I haven't been up very long."

"You need to pay it before you get in the tub tonight."

"I will."

About 5:30, as I was chatting with Farmer H before he left for the auction. here came The Pony on his way to his nightly bath in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom.

"I figured I'd just pay it now. My debit card is out here. I'm pretty sure I'll need the numbers off of it."

He had the screen open. He started pecking away. Mumbling numbers. Said it was DONE! And that he had a confirmation email. He took a picture of the screen with his phone. I told him to save the email, too. And said not to be surprised if he got another such notice, since he thought he had been paid for 3 weeks.

The Pony looked back at his bank account activity, and deduced that we were both wrong. He had been paid 2 weeks. So there might be another notice coming. Meh. If it does, it does. Mrs. HM will be on the case!

In other news, I am on my fourth full day of taking my Doxycycline antibiotic. Only Saturday morning, my teeth felt almost the right size again. The shooting ear pain has been gone almost a full day. The only issue now is dizziness, and a shooting vertical pain over my left eye. Maybe a sinus is trying to get attention. My right ear is still a little painful, as is my lower jaw. I didn't take any pain medicine for 24 hours. Just my usual nightly aspirin on Friday night with supper. Then again Saturday night with supper. However... I might have stopped too soon. I think I'll take an ibuprofen around midnight. It might help a bit with the inflammation. 

Still six days left of the antibiotics. You can bet I'm going to finish every single pill.


Sioux Roslawski said...

The pain in your sinuses might subside soon. The pain in your ear is gone.

But what about the PITA?

River said...

You had BETTER finish every single pill. That's the rule with antibiotics. The full course must be taken.
Aspirin is also anti-inflammatory. Good to hear your teeth have shrunk :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

My PITA is getting a pass right now, because he took some Windex and paper towels out to the garage the other night, and CLEANED THE INSIDE OF T-HOE'S WINDSHIELD! Of course, when he drove me to my regular nurse practitioner appointment a couple weeks ago, we almost died because the defroster no longer works, and the sun glared off the film on the inside of the windshield. Farmer H swore he could see, but I could see NOTHING!

Also, he bought me some sweet treats at the auction Saturday night, but I don't know what they are yet. He was waving them around, babbling, but I was in the middle of making a chicken pot pie, and distracted.

I ALWAYS finish my antibiotics. I broke out in hives on the 9th day of the cephalosporin several years ago, and the doctor said to go ahead and finish the last pill, but not to ever take it again!

Yes, the aspirin worked better for the pain than the acetaminophen did. But it was still better than nothing. I think I forgot and chewed on my regular-size teeth tonight, when eating soft chicken pot pie. Because later, my teeth started to hurt again. Or it might have been because my antibiotic pill had to wait until 13 hours after the one this morning, until I digested my food, rather than the usual 12-hour interval I take them. The teeth feel like they're shrinking again now, one hour after my antibiotic.