Tuesday, November 2, 2021

We Meet Again, And This Time There Is No Excuse

You give somebody a break for not doing their job correctly, and what does it get you? A subsequent substandard display of cashierwomanship!

I stopped by the School-Turn Casey's to redeem some winning scratchers on Monday. Who should I encounter behind the register? None other than Young Lass, who last starred in a post from October 20! It was published on October 20. I think it happened the week previous. Anyhoo... my point is that Young Lass has had AT LEAST 10 more days of experience, to be trained to do her job correctly. AND SHE CAN'T.

I gave Young Lass my scratchers. At first I had high hopes. She scanned the winners and reached the correct total. I asked for my new scratchers. She tore them off proficiently. THEN I asked for one Cash4Life with EZ Match. REEEEE! Hit the brakes, grab the phonograph needle! 

Young Lass asked the other cashier for help. She must explain things like Farmer H, because Cashier 2 said, "Huh?" Then they both fiddled around, and got me a ticket. But it was WITHOUT EZ MATCH! So I pointed that out, because I am not in the habit of buying things which I don't want.

Young Lass asked the rotund guy who has helped other people behind the registers. He's very polite and patient. I think he might be a manager. He got it figured out for Young Lass. Made sure she knew how to ring it up, then went off to manage something else. Young Lass made conversation as she opened the register.

"Lottery is such fun."

I'm pretty sure she was not being literal. I'm pretty sure she was being sarcastic. Which does not sit well with Mrs. HM.

Pardon the Not-Heaven out of me for patronizing your business, and daring to purchase a product you sell! Sweet Gummi Mary! We've been through this before! Do you think you should only sell items which you LIKE to sell? Candy, perhaps? Bottled beverages? Something easily scanned that does not require conscious thought?

I think a period of 10 days is enough to learn how to handle all merchandise for sale in that establishment. I am no longer sympathetic about the possibility of inadequate training. I am annoyed by a lackadaisical, entitled attitude. Don't blame the customer for what they choose to purchase. Try a little introspection as to why you don't like ringing up lottery.


River said...

Perhaps you are the only buyer of cash-for=life with EZ match, so she hasn't got used to it yet?
Or maybe she really doesn't care and prefers to sell easy things like chips and fizzy drinks.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nah. A lot of people buy those, because a guy over in Farmer H's auction town (about 20 miles west) won several million dollars on it this summer. It was in the paper.

My suspicion is that she prefers quicker transactions, so she can check her cell phone more often.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Like good men, good help is hard to find...

Hillbilly Mom said...

You ain't a-woofin', Madam! Like unicorns.