Friday, January 28, 2022

Broken Record, Day 7

I know my tales have become dreary. I feel bad for you, but I feel even worse for The Pony. Poor Pony. I've told him he can wake me to say goodbye when he leaves around 7:15. I know he's worried about me and my malaise. 

Every day, he's so chipper. 

"Bye, Mom. Do you think you might be feeling a little bit better? Just a little? Or at least are you not feeling worse?"

So far, it hasn't really been worse.

Right now it's 11:10 p.m. Thursday night. I still have a cup and a half of water to drink. And I need to make a bowl of oatmeal so I have something in my stomach for the vitamin and aspirin land on. Last night I had the Maple Brown Sugar instant oatmeal. 

It was SO SWEET. It's been a while since I had some. Almost too sweet.


River said...

MAPLE brown sugar? We don't get that one here, just the Brown Sugar one. Which I haven't had any of since I ran out last year. I'm on regular rolled oats now, soaked overnight then microwaved for 1 minute and thirty seconds. With brown sugar.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah. That's what it's called.