Friday, January 14, 2022

Moon Over My Gravel

I caught a colorful photo down at the end of our gravel road by Mailbox Row. It was two days after Farmer H bought a load of gravel for $175, to have dumped starting at that entrance to our compound. Just a happy accident. I was late leaving for town, and the conditions were just right as I pulled over to pick up the mail coming home around 5:15.

When Farmer H got home 15 minutes later, he had to share with me what he saw on the Facebook page of our enclave.

"You know how I said a couple people commented about the gravel? Now they've scheduled a meeting down by the mailboxes on Friday evening at 6:30. This one guy says he called around and got estimates for gravel, and found a guy to haul it for $170 a load."

"That's the other guy you thought about using. The one whose wife works with The Pony."

"Yeah. I've known him for years, but I know the other guy better. That's why when I offered to meet him to pay for the gravel, he said, 'Just mail me a check.' That's how things work when you have connections."

"I see this other guy a lot at the Gas Station Chicken Store, putting diesel in his dump truck. He seems to work a lot. Heh, heh! They probably told him the price you got, and he dropped his by $5 to get the business."

"Probably. It don't matter who hauls it. And this guy out here is at least trying to organize the people. He put on here ' we can see who's willing to pay their share towards the roads, and see how many loads of gravel we can get. Only two people have responded! One lady says she'll be there, and another guy says, 'Can't make it, but my wife and I will be coming down to our cabin next week, and would like to give some money for the roads.'"

"Just like I said, nobody is going to pay, now that the main part with holes has your gravel on it! And the cabin guy, I can understand that he doesn't live here, so even if he doesn't pay for a whole load, that makes sense. He doesn't use the road as much as everyone else."

"That one lady who asked me about where to get gravel DID thank me for giving her the information. But all those other 15 people who read it are strangely silent. I have a mind to go down to the meeting, just to see who's there and what they decide. At least they know I've already done my part."

Yes. It WILL be interesting to see what goes on at that meeting. It will be dark by then. Not sure I'd want to be sitting in the dark down by the creek.


River said...

Have him take a couple of lanterns so they aren't sitting in the dark. I'd like to know what goes on at that meeting too.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H drove SilverRedO down there, so maybe they all left their headlights on? Even if they drove a Gator-thingy, they still have headlights. I have a condensed version of the meeting, coming up!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

So happy I will NOT be paying for tons of gravel this Spring!! Our driveway is asphalt at the new house, we are thinking we may have to rent a bobcat and do some leveling and have some gravel brought in for the carport, but not all the roads and 73 sites here!

Hillbilly Mom said...

You are dodging a long-time bullet! I hope we get some pictures of your new place.