Friday, January 7, 2022

Speaking Of Lucky...

After so many days (4!) at home without my magical elixir, due to my sore back, plus the week before when the Gas Station Chicken Store had the wrong size cups... I was sad to wake up to SNOW on Thursday. 

Normally, a little snow would not keep me from town. But the wind chill was 5 degrees, and I am cold all the time anyway. PLUS, The Pony texted that the town roads were not good around 8:00. Farmer H said I could probably make it. Not sure if he was being helpful, or just trying to kill me again.

Anyhoo... The Pony said conditions had improved with the sunlight by noon. So I figured I'd risk it, since the snow had stopped. Otherwise I'd have stayed home, because The Pony has commandeered my long ice scraper brush thingy, and Farmer H has "forgotten" to get him one for himself in the past two months that I've been asking. Not only do I need it for scraping the glass, but I use the brush for the slush that gets flung up on the running board, and freezes before my next trip to town. 
Oh, and also my defogger thingy doesn't work any more. Don't think Farmer H will get it fixed. He says it could be any number of things wrong, not just a fuse problem, and could eat up a lot of money. Basically a slap in the face to my needs, or pretty-sure trying another way to kill me.

Anyhoo... since the sun was out, and I didn't think anything would build up on the windshield to block my vision... I showered and dressed in three layers to fetch my 44 oz Diet Coke. I had a knit shirt, a long-sleeved cotton shirt like my regular town wear, and my everyday jacket. And pants, of course. I don't go out bare-rumpused! I was actually toasty warm except for my hands. Don't know where all my gloves go. Probably having a party under the floorboards with 12 years of school rulers and scissors from two boys.

The roads after our gravel were not bad. The main ones clear. But the Save A Lot parking lot was treacherous. Couldn't even see the lines for the parking spaces. I basically went in to buy milk so The Pony could make his hot chocolate he won at the Christmas Eve Games at the home of my sister the ex-ex-mayor's wife. 
And some scratchers out of the machine to put in Genius's letter, since I had forgotten to buy them a day ahead, not knowing about the incoming snow. Sweet Gummi Mary! Why would I watch the weather these days? It's not like I'm going to get a snow day!

Anyhoo... I got myself a couple tickets as well, and some for The Pony. His were losers. I was pleased to see that mine won $10. It was the first ticket I scratched. I set it aside like I always do, happy that I at least had won $10 back. I followed that with a $3 and $6 winner. In scanning them, something was not right!

The phone app said it was a winner, but I saw a $5. Huh. It showed right there on the ticket that I had the WIN symbol, with $10. What in the Not-Heaven?

Oops! It was the 5X WIN SYMBOL! The regular WIN symbol is a flat dollar bill. I'm so used to not winning lately that this bit of excitement had escaped me. And it was sitting there for a couple hours, all $50-winny, unbeknownst to me! Guess I found one of those loaded $50 prizes!

The 44 oz Diet Coke was pretty good, too! I'm glad I layered up and went to town. Even though I had to wear a pair of blue auction socks on my hands.


River said...

Heh, you lose gloves like other people lose socks. But HOW?? I really don't get it. I've never lost either, nor anything else. Except that one time my bus pass folder fell out of my shallow pocket on the bus when I wore a different jacket. it was handed in and I got it back, but I never wore a shallow pocket jacket on the bus again.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I take my gloves in and out of the Mansion during winter. Leaving them in T-Hoe makes them too cold! I stuff them down my shirt, so by the time I get out to the garage and in T-Hoe, they are toasty warm to put on my hands before grabbing the ice-cold steering wheel. When I get back, I put them on the kitchen counter by my purse.

As the weather warms up, I don't take the gloves every trip. Then I might set them over on the stool under Farmer H's cuckoo clock, or on the table at the end of the couch. Then I'll start picking up clutter, and stash them somewhere. The SOMEWHERE is the problem!

The Pony has a shallow pocket problem. He lost the keys to his Nissan Rogue at work, and found them that evening on the grassy strip between parking lot and loading dock. Good thing nobody wanted to steal his car that day!

Then he lost the keys to the LLV while on a walking loop, and had to call the manager for a replacement, right before he found them in the grass along the loop. He's also dropped his phone and destroyed it, thus the new one he got about 6 months ago.

River said...

The SOMEWHERE is definitely the problem. You need a specific place to ALWAYS put those gloves, perhaps a small table right beside the door you frequently go in and out of. Or anywhere else that is safe from clutter.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nowhere in the Mansion is safe from clutter!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Living in Minnesota for 12 years taught me to keep my gloves in my coat pockets. I had a pair of gloves in every coat I owned. (different weights) HeWho wn $100 on a lottery ticket!

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's a good idea! Congrats to HeWho! I haven't won a hundo in quite some time. The Pony had the last one, on a $2 ticket.