Thursday, January 20, 2022

Something Fishy At The Mansion

As I was lying on my deathbed--I mean catching some ZZZZZs with the blanket over my head while fighting my 100-degree fever--Farmer H volunteered to go get Captain D's fish for our supper. I wasn't feeling all that hungry, but I won't turn town Captain D's fish. I figured I could always save it a day if I didn't want it by the time Farmer H brought his catch home.

"What do you get? The 3 piece fish? What sides?"

"Just the 2 piece fish. And SLAW. And fries."

"I thought you always got broccoli."

"I have in the past. But I don't feel like broccoli. The fries sound really good. I'll warm then in the oven when you get home."

"Okay. I'm going."

This is when Farmer H gave me permission to sleep some more. So I snoozed another hour. My temp had gone down, but came back up after a shower. I wasn't feeling BAD, bad. Just not myself. Because of the fever. I sat around a bit until Pony got home. He had picked up pizza for himself. We chatted, at a distance! And then I went to get my food.

You know where this is going, right?

"WHERE ARE MY FRIES??? Why do I have a bowl of broccoli?"

"You wanted broccoli. That's what you always get."

"I specifically told you NO BROCCOLI! That I wanted FRIES! I've been looking forward to those fries, dipped in ketchup and a little mayo. I already have my ramekins set out for them. Guess I won't need any ramekins for BROCCOLI!"

"You said you wanted it!"

"I don't know why you even pretend to listen when you ask me a question. And why do I have 3 pieces of fish?"
"It was only 50 cents more for 3 instead of 2. So I thought it was a better bargain."

Anyhoo... I sadly took 2 oven-warmed fish and microwaved broccoli and cold coleslaw down to my lair. That was the most delicious fish I ever ate!!!

This picture does not do it justice. Yes. It was pretty greasy on my paper plate. But it was CRISPY on the outside, and tender on the inside. DELICIOUS!

These are not giant family-size serving bowls! It's the flat styrofoam containers Captain D's puts his sides in. They fit into a regular square styrofoam container, each one sitting in a triangle next to the main entree. 

Anyhoo... maybe that broccoli had medicinal qualities. Or maybe it was the fish. Because after eating, I nodded off to sleep while sitting in my rolly chair in front of New Delly. And when I woke up about 20 minutes later, MY FEVER WAS GONE!

I am NOT giving Farmer H credit for the broccoli.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Give him credit. Then you can convince him to hang out his shingle as a healer.

River said...

Fries are better than broccoli in my opinion. What are those deep fried round balls? The fish does look delicious.
I'm currently eating celery sticks filled with peanut butter instead of the mountain of butter-slathered raisin toast I really want because two years ago my doctor told me to lose 20kg (40 pounds) and I think it's time I made more of an effort.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Then I'd be not-drinking the hot toddy he doesn't make me, while sitting under a wooden pyramid frame. Here, I'll put a clip of that for non-Seinfeld-fan River, with the pyramid part at 3:17 of the 4:30 clip:

Those are hush puppies. Fried balls of cornbread. They're okay. The Pony loves them with honey butter. Or even plain butter. I dip them in tartar sauce or have them plain.

Heh, heh! That last part made me chuckle. More of an effort!

River said...

Well now I know what hushpuppies are. Here they are a brand of shoe that I used to help make in the shoe factory. The Seinfeld clip was funny. I'm only a non-fan because I can't stand Elaine and think George is a bit stupid.

Hillbilly Mom said...

They are also shoes here, though I don't know if they're still being made.

I like George because he's always getting caught in his schemes. Kramer, the Hipster Doofus, is my least favorite. He's too cartoony.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I love fish in any form, even chowder. Hushpuppies are still being made, both the shoes and the fried fish side. I will trade mine for the slaw. HeWho loves hushpuppies, but he loves anything fried or with cheese on top. HeWho was a huge Kramer fan, while I preferred Jerry. And I like my balls plain, too.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The only chowder I liked was the actual clam chowder I got on a trip to Boston. It was the white kind, not the orangy kind. Of course it was called CHOWDA there, heh, heh!

Captain D's is my favorite slaw! I like Jerry when he says, "That's a shame."