Saturday, January 22, 2022

Farmer H Goes Too Far

 Farmer H is skating on thin ice. Much thinner than the ice on the dogs' water bowl. 

I came home from town Friday, and gave Juno and Jack and Copper Jack some leftover pizza crust. Little Jack trotted around the corner of the kitchen. He does that, to preserve his treat so it isn't ripped away by Juno. I had gone into the laundry room to get the bag of frozen chicken out of the mini freezer, and saw Jack outside the door. He was trying to get a drink.
What in the NOT-HEAVEN? That water bowl was frozen solid! It's a heated bowl. Plugs into the outdoor outlet. I remember that about a month ago, when we started dipping below freezing overnight, Farmer H had said
"The dogs' water bowl ain't workin'. I need to get another one."
"Yeah. They've gotta have water."
Of course I assumed Farmer H had taken care of that task. You know, on one of his daily trips to Lowe's or Menard's. If I hadn't been getting chicken, I wouldn't have seen my poor little Jack licking at the circular ice cube. Which had a crack in the middle like once upon a time a little dog's sturdy paw might have tried to get to some still-liquid water under the surface.
"Oh, Jack! Do you need water? Here. Let me get some."
I took the pitcher from the back porch, and filled it from the laundry sink. Poured that on top of the cube. I knew it wouldn't last long, but at least Jack could have a drink. He did. A nice long drink. When Farmer H came home, it was time for the interrogation. I didn't even wait until we sat down for This Is the Time of Day When We Discuss the Most Recent Thing You've Done Wrong.
"The dogs don't have any water! They might not have had it since Wednesday, unless you've been giving them some in the mornings. Their bowl is frozen solid!"
"I told you it didn't work."
"I KNOW! I thought you were getting a new one. Over a month ago!"
"I never said that. I said the water bowl quit working, and I needed to get another one. And you said, 'Nah, they can drink out of the creek.'"
"NO I DIDN'T! I'D NEVER SAY THAT! Don't you think the creek is frozen, too? It is down by the mailboxes. How are these dogs supposed to drink? They'll die!"
"You DID tell me that."
"NO! That's something like YOU would say. They need a water bowl. They shouldn't have to run down to the creek for a drink."
"You don't remember nothin'!"
"I think maybe that's YOU. You didn't remember to get a water bowl. All this time, and I thought they had one."
"Fine! You always want to blame me. I'll go right now and get one. Then it's done."
Well. That would make sense. Off he went. For over an hour. Ninety minutes.
"What took so long?"
"I went to the place by my Storage Unit Store, but it was closed. So I went to Walmart. They didn't have one. I had to drive all the way over to Bill-Paying Town, where I found one at Tractor Supply. I got them the food they like while I was there, too. They was out of food anyway..."
SWEET GUMMI MARY! No wonder Jack and Juno pounced on that dry dog biscuit I gave them as I left. They are normally indifferent, because it's not a chicken meatball. But this day, they wolfed them down. I guess maybe Farmer H hadn't fed them anything.

"Did Juno come around to get water when you put in the new bowl?"

"No. But she ate every bit of the bowl of food I gave her."

Well. There's that. At least my fit-throwing got Juno a full belly. It's bad enough that Farmer H didn't get the water bowl in a timely manner. But so much worse that he tried to blame ME for not getting it!


River said...

This just gets worse and worse. You may have to start taking care of business yourself with regards to things the dogs need at least.

Sioux Roslawski said...

It sounds like Farmer H is handling both sides of his conversation. He's saying his lines, and then providing yours as well.

Poor, poor Juno. She needs water to keep that lustrous black fur so glossy.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know! First thing I checked was the water. It looked refreshing in its new blue bowl, plugged into the wall and sitting next to the old blue bowl full of ice.

Then when I threw out my daily banana peel, Juno crowded the door, and almost put her head and shoulders in! She never does that. She doesn't like the Mansion, and won't come in when coaxed due to tornado warnings. I gave her a roll soaked with the juices from the chicken I baked last night. Jack came running around for a share. Then Juno came back out of her house to steal Jack's, so I chastised her and gave her a second roll.

Temps got up in the 40s, with bright sun. I imagine the dogs slept soundly while basking in the rays, after being up all night barking at nothing.

Juno's fur has been exceptionally glossy lately. Beautiful, almost. Like a rich socialite's tresses, without the dye to cover the gray.

Even The Pony agreed that I would never say such a thing about my precious fleabags.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

There is a division of household duties here, as well. I would never leave HeWho in charge of my babies' well being for the exact scenario you present!! How they can be so nonchalant about important issues is beyond me. HeWho will tell me that he had told me things that NEVER crossed his lips in my presence. Also will tell me I told him something I never said and out of character for me to have said. I order the dogfood from Chewy and heave the 50lb. bags onto my shoulder and shlepp them to my giant trashcan that serves as a container for the food. I will admit that I will make quite a production of the task if he is in sight, you know, to attempt to make him feel bad for my efforts. Don't know why, as it doesn't seem to bother him!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Since working on Pony House, Farmer H has neglected things around the Mansion. The dogs shouldn't be one of them!