Sunday, January 9, 2022

Not A Good Day For Mrs. HM

Saturday was not so great. Farmer H saw a need to email me at 9:00, and call me at 11:30. Those are beauty-sleeping hours for Mrs. HM! He made sure to tell me that he had changed plans, and was heading to the city a few hours early to pick up a vanity for Bathroom 2 of Pony House. Since I figured he would be coming home with it, I made sure I was up by 12:15. Yet he did not come home until around 4:00, as I was headed to town.

While in town, I stopped by Orb K for scratchers. The lady who completed her transaction ahead of me CAME BACK as I was doing my business. Saying she was supposed to use some club benefit to pay for the soda and coffee she had purchased along with gas. So she kind of monopolized my clerk, who said he could help her in a minute. But she went to the two other clerks, who were playing with their phones and gossiping. Then she came back to MY clerk, kind of crowding at me, saying, "Excuse me, Ma'am... Sir... Ma'am." And grabbed her phone, which she had left lying on the counter by the card scanner. Seriously. Mrs. HM looks NOTHING like a SIR. And she was not talking to my clerk.

Back home, I attempted to help Farmer H pay his sales tax online. But as with everything he expects me to do for FREE for his business, he did not give me enough information. He seemed downright surly when I asked (okay, TOLD) him to come in and sit by me at the kitchen table to tell me what he needed. Then the state website did not give the option he needed, which was to pay yearly instead of monthly or weekly. So that effort was futile. He wrote down three phone numbers to call for more specifics. Good luck getting a state employee to actually talk to you over the phone!

Once Farmer H left, The Pony was on the way home. He wanted me to start his bath in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom. Its plug has been cantankerous of late. You push it down, but rather than latching, it SEEMS to latch, but leaves a tiny unsealed space. Pony says you have to twist it, but that wasn't working for me. The tub started filling, so I let it go until The Pony got home to fiddle with it. I don't relish standing on my head reaching over the side into the middle of the triangle to mess with it.

I was chatting with The Pony at the kitchen counter, having poured myself a red Solo cup of my new mediocre elixir, SHASTA DIET COLA. I found it at Save A Lot, after discovering that they don't carry Coke products, only Pepsi and store brands and Shasta. It's surprisingly near to Diet Coke. I had added some fresh lime juice and a dash of sugar. Because of course you add sugar to diet soda, heh, heh. To cut the lime tartness.

Anyhoo... I was picking up the lime squeezer to rinse, when I KNOCKED OVER MY FULL GLASS OF SUGARY LIMEY DIET SHASTA! Part went in my tray, getting on the checkbook register that I was taking down to my lair for balancing. Thank the Gummi Mary, I had it in a sleeve that was once an envelope sent out with cash through the bank tube. I grabbed the register and two Pony House receipts out of it before they got wet.

My scratchers were saved. The Pony got some paper towels and mopped up the floor portion. That left me with the stove top and crack between stove and counter. Sunday I'll have to take out the burner reflector thingy and wash it, before The Pony decides to cook up some taco chicken.

In my lair, I knocked three envelopes off the top of my New Delly tower while putting those two Pony House receipts with the rest. The envelopes fell behind the monitor, into a nest of dust bunnies.

I hope tomorrow is better. Wait. It already IS tomorrow...


River said...

Things are really off around your house when you can't get your regular diet coke. It must make you unsettled by just a fraction, but enough for the gremlins to set in.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Was it Bounty paper towels? Did you yell NOOOOOOOOO like the commercial? When my day is like that, I try to just sit on my butt and do nothing, yu know, like HeWho does.

Sioux Roslawski said...

One of these days I hope to get a snow day (or two). A snow day is better than a Saturday or Sunday or even every day of retirement, since it's supposed to be a work day but then a gift from the gods comes down from the skies.

Does your old school have a soda machine that carries Coke products? If so, that's a reason to come out of retirement...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, it makes me off-kilter. Or as Farmer H might say, "Half a bubble off on a six-inch level." Which he uses when he says someone is crazy.

YES! And I DID! It didn't help that those Bounty paper towels were the Select-A-Size version. So we had to keep tearing them off, thought they soaked up that soda quite well. I would have selected two or three at a time, but The Pony thinks they need to be torn off the roll individually.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nope. Not even tempting me! Newmentia had PEPSI products. I guess so the kids could get all hopped-up on Mountain Dew during lunch.

I DO wish you could enjoy a snow day. There's still plenty of time left. February is a good month for snow. I will gladly steer any snow here your way. The Pony won't mind. His rumpus REALLY won't mind.