Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Case Of Pony Tow

Temps have been climbing into the 40s and 50s for a couple days. Some of the snow is melting off, where roads have been plowed. Which doesn't include our gravel road, or some of the side streets on The Pony's route. Tuesday was not a good day for The Pony.

"I got stuck, and nobody came to push me out! It was on a street with only three houses. I have to back up to turn around. The rear-wheel drive on the ProMaster is useless in snow. I tried to rock myself out, but couldn't do it. So I had to call for a tow. The guy who came to get me was in my class at school!"

"Small world. Did he recognize you?"


Also, on Sunday, one of The Pony's customers came out for the mail, and made a comment.

"Oh, I see you're wearing a Florida shirt."

"I didn't know what he was talking about. It was just a regular t-shirt that I wore before I got my uniform shirts. It was warm enough that I took off my jacket. By the time I realized that he was just saying I was wearing a t-shirt in the snow, he had gone back into his house."

At least the weather will be warming up within a couple months. The Pony will have smooth sailing until the summer heat. AND he should also be moved into his house by that time...


River said...

Just a t-shirt in the snow has me shivering and goose-bumpy. And it's 22C in my lounge room! (71F)

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony is burning calories when he works. He had actually contemplated SHORTS when he saw the temp would be over 50F, but decided on some tights instead of the uniform pants.

Sioux Roslawski said...

The Pony about to move into his own pasture? Will the faucet in the triangle tub rust from under-use?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H is getting closer every day to completing Pony House. He's hired a plumber to get under the house and make things right. The city has a bad meter. Thank the Gummi Mary, we've not had the water turned on yet, so they're eating all the expense from that leakage right now.

When I can get back to my lair, I'll try to put out some updated pictures. Pony House is nearing readiness for stabling The Pony. Our big triangle tub in the master bathroom will revert to Farmer H's usage. Which is just enough to keep the faucet functioning. He might have a nightly bath, but only 20 minutes, not 2 hours!