Tuesday, February 8, 2022

My Near-Death Did Not Put A Halt On Farmer H's Efforts To Kill Me

You'd think Farmer H could give it a rest for a week or so, after my unfortunate four-day hospitalization. Could back off on his plans of trying to kill me. I guess he just can't help himself.

WAY BACK before I was deathly ill, we had Domino's pizza for supper. Oh, I was still sick at the time. I just didn't know HOW sick. It was on Sunday night, Jan 30. The Pony picked up Domino's for me and himself. Not sure what Farmer H had that night, but he didn't want it.

Anyhoo... I was not feeling my best, and ate three of the square pieces of pizza. They were tasty. The next day, Monday, Jan 31, I had the smallest, crustiest corner before heading to convenient care. Just to tide me over until I got back. Which I never did until four days later!

While talking to Farmer H on the phone from the confines of the hospital, I told him he might as well eat my leftover pizza, since it didn't look like I'd be having it. He said he would.

Saturday night, Feb 5, I sat on the short couch, telling Farmer H that I was going to warm up some frozen chicken for my supper, in case he wanted some too. Of course he did.

"Man. I sure regret missing my pizza. That would have been SO GOOD. I still had all the best pieces left. Did you like it?"

"Yeah. It was pretty good. I didn't eat it all. You can still have it. It's in the fridge."

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me before? I can't eat that now. IT'S SEVEN DAYS OLD! Are you trying to kill me?"

"Huh. I guess maybe that IS too long."

Darn tootin'! It's like when Genius was at basketball camp in Missi-freakin-ssippi during 107-degree July, and asked if his pizza left in the un-airconditioned dorm overnight would be okay to eat the next day. I don't think so.

Juno and Jack and Copper Jack certainly enjoyed my leftovers.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Did I read on one of your blogs that Farmer H wrecked two cars? What happened? (I thought I did a thorough job of looking at past posts, but could not find the story.)

I'm enjoying your hospitalization story. Only 13 more posts until it comes to a happily ever after...

River said...

Seven days old! I'm surprised it didn't walk itself to the dumpster.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, Farmer H wrecked two cars. We are not yet ready for that reveal, which will be at the cat-house. Hopefully I can wrap it up before 13 more posts, but no guarantees.

I'm surprised it didn't walk itself to my bed and try to crawl down my throat! Maybe that's why I can't fall asleep.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Farmer H is a determined death plotter! You didn't think he was going to toss anything old from the fridge, did you? After my mild heart attack and hospital stay I came home to a sink full of dirty dishes! These guys are thoughtful, making us feel needed like that!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wonder where they think that stuff goes? I also had a sink-side of dirty dishes, two days after coming home, after The Pony swore he was going to wash them for me, since they WERE his and Farmer H's dishes.

Farmer H is so thoughtful that he let me make supper for him. Forget about him making ME anything. Even though a couple nights he fried himself some bacon and eggs, setting off the smoke alarm, and greasy-ing up the stovetop.