Saturday, February 26, 2022

Nothing Mysterious About The Pony's Package

Of course we're not discussing The Pony's personal package, but one he was tasked with delivering at work. He's so kind to show us the unusual items he deals with. So this time, I was confused when he showed me the picture.

"Want to see a package I took a picture of today?"

"Okay. I don't have my glasses, though."

"I think you can tell without them. See?"

"Uh. No? What IS that?"

"You don't know what this is? I couldn't take a picture of the front, because the address was on it. I thought the back would be good enough."

"Let me get my glasses. Or you can tell me. Or put your phone closer!"

"It's a SHOVEL, Mom!"

How embarrassing! I am blinder than I thought. But I also wasn't thinking of a shovel. WHO DOES THAT? Who orders a dang shovel through the mail? 
I guess somebody who was snowed in, and couldn't get out to buy a shovel...

Farmer H took a look at it, and proclaimed it to be a guitar. He even had his glasses.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Nothing is off-limits at the mansion, is it?

By the way--eat your heart out. I had a snow day on Thursday. You, who have EVERY day off, no longer know the joy of getting that call that calls off school.

It's not too late...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Nope. Nothing is off-limits. I once RAN OVER Genius's package in the garage!

Now I know the sadness of NOT BEING ABLE TO DRIVE TO TOWN! You can keep your joy. I have no desire to horn in on it. Though I WOULD have been able to use my hoard of 100 maxed-out sick days, had I been working during my Unfortunate HospitVALzation.

River said...

There is NO way that is a guitar! I thought garden fork, but now I know better. It just looks like a regular shovel though, not a snow shovel. Someone must be preparing for spring.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah, I don't know how Farmer H saw a guitar, but I couldn't even come up with THAT.

Around here, it's more likely that somebody wanted a shovel to clear their snow/sleet, and ordered A SHOVEL. Probably thinking it would work just as well for snow. And better than my DUSTPAN, which The Pony broke during the last snowstorm.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

A shovel indeed. Snow removal did not come to my mind when I saw it. The unique packaging caught my eye and then I immediately thought that if the person ordering this shovel with thoughts of hiding a body in a grave, they made a huge error in ordering it to be delivered. I suppose I have a weird mind.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe snow removal did not come to mind because you weren't stranded at home for two days with over an inch of sleet covering porch, ground, and roads. Not that such a shovel would be much more help on sleet than a dustpan would be.

Hiding a body around here would take more than that shovel. Like blasting caps and dynamite. We sit on bedrock. My telephone line has been accidentally exhumed twice from its shallow grave that leads down Shackytown Boulevard to a pole over in the BARn field.

There's a reason that headless body was found in a septic tank a quarter-mile up the road. No shovel will do the job. Unless it might be used to lop off a head...