Thursday, February 17, 2022

An Interesting Craving

When the nurse called from the hospital to follow up on my discharge, she said to make sure I ate protein and fat, to get the nutrients needed to help me recover. Even if I didn't feel like eating. I told her my appetite was okay, and that every day since I got out, I wanted the same thing for lunch: Sardines in Mustard Sauce. She must not be a sardine-lover, heh, heh. But agreed that they DO contain the protein and fat that I need. I think they're also high in vitamin D. Not sure. I didn't look it up.

Anyhoo... Farmer H is horrified. He HATES sardines. He used to work with a guy who ate them for lunch every day, with crackers. And all afternoon, it would be on his breath. Too bad so sad. I even made Farmer H BUY THEM FOR ME when he made a trip to the store. Only the best for Mrs. HM. He did it!

However, Farmer H said he could not find the sardines at Save A Lot, where I buy them. He said they only had a giant oval can of them on the shelf, in oil. That's malarky! I've bought them there for many years. Farmer H SAID he asked the checkout girl, and she said, "Oh, we don't carry them. Never have." One of these two is a liar!

Anyhoo... Farmer H bought me a different brand at Country Mart. I've had that different brand before, and didn't like them. They are small and dark. Maybe six or eight in the can. The Save A Lot version is silver, with two meaty sardines per can. Upon eating Farmer H's version, I found them quite acceptable! It must be the craving. Any old sardine in mustard sauce will do.

Good thing. Farmer H bought 15 cans.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

HeWho likes them, but I am with Farmer H on them, I do not want to be in the same room, much less close enough to catch a whiff of sardine breath!!

Sioux Roslawski said...

Two sardines per can? How small are the cans? How large are the sardines? I thought a whole bunch could be crammed in together... crammed in like sardines.

Hillbilly Mom said...

HeWho probably shouldn't have them, due to the salt. So there's your excuse to deny him his basic sardine rights! I do not have sardine breath! And I hermetically seal the can in a baggie so Farmer H can't complain about the smell.

Heh, heh! These were definitely crammed in like sardines! The good ones lay tail-space to head-space. Even though both are lopped off. They fit together like two long triangles side by side. The cans are the standard flat rectangular sardine cans, with a ring to pull and peel off the top.

River said...

15 cans! At least by the time you get through those, you'll be well enough to go out and buy the ones you prefer. I don't like sardines, but I do like herrings, the ones in tomato sauce, which I eat on toast.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I only have 6 cans left! I am going to the store today, but it's Country Mart. So I might or might not get a few more. Save A Lot is sure to have them again by the time I get there. No way do I believe a cashier said they NEVER CARRIED THEM!