Sunday, February 27, 2022

I HOPE We're Not Going There Again

Sweet Gummi Mary! Saturday morning, I took my medicine at 6:00 a.m, then at 7:00 a.m. It doesn't say I can't take them at the same time, and in the hospital they just give you every med in a little plastic cup to swallow at the same time. But I like to stagger them a bit. I took the prednisone at 6:00, and the doxycycline at 7:30. Then I was tired from only sleeping four hours. So at 8:30, I went back to bed for a nap.
When I got up at 10:00, I had a definite RASH! It was on my upper chest/shoulder area, and on my forearms and the backs of my arms. Itchy, itchy!
Now the dilemma. Is it just the rash from the VIRUS? Which the NP Birdy told me is common. She was not at all concerned with the rough itchy rash on my lower back, just above the rumpus. Felt it, and said it didn't feel or look like a strep rash. Looked at the little pink bumps on my upper chest/shoulder area, and said it wasn't much. Then suggested the benedryl, and lotion because dry skin is itchier than moist skin.


Is it a rash from an allergic reaction to the antibiotic, which is doxycycline, which I've had before? I'm on Day 4 of a 7-day prescription. If I'm allergic, I should stop taking it. I've had allergic reactions to medicine before, and this looks just like it. HOWEVER, I had a mild form of this rash BEFORE I started taking the doxycycline!

For now, I'm declaring that it's a VIRUS rash. The more I looked it up online, it seems that's the case. Seems about 20% of recovering VIRUSers get such a rash about 4 weeks after contracting the VIRUS. Which I got on Jan 22, and noticed this little rash on Feb 20.

I'm kind of worried what this rash will do when I take my last prednisone pill on Sunday...


Sioux Roslawski said...

Rash, rash,
Everytime a rash,
Bringin' me misery
Ruinin' my time
Itch here, don't itch that
Can't you stop the rash?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I see you understand the significance of noticing SIGNS of a rash!

Sioux Roslawski said...

Since it wasn't a take-off of a Steve Miller Band song, I figured you wouldn't catch it.

You surprised me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

"Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

Of course you'll know whose quote THAT is.

I cannot name another song of 5 Man Electrical Band, but I DO know that one!

Sioux Roslawski said...


River said...

Ha Ha, Gomer Pyle.
I've never heard of the virus rash before, didn't know it was a thing. I already have enough trouble with very dry skin and hives from certain foods. Now I REALLY hope I never get this damn virus.

Hillbilly Mom said...

"Shazam!" You are correct, Madam.

You are also correct, since you couldn't see Sioux's answer when you gave yours.

I had no idea it was a thing, either, until NP Birdy told me, and I consulted my estranged BFF Google a few days later.

I had students who'd get a rash like that after a virus. It's not just with THE VIRUS. I never made that connection this time. Those big spots on my belly are NOT from the virus. I'm sure. They are gradually fading in the order they arrived. They had to be from the Lovenox shots.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Lovenox? Said in (I'm sure) the wrong way, it could be "love knocks."

Hillbilly Mom said...

Birdy the NP called it LO-ven-ox. Probably just another facet of her contrariness.