Monday, February 21, 2022

How Dare She!

When I was checking out at Country Mart on Friday, the Old Lady Checker made a mistake. She had to call a supervisor over with a key to clear it out. I don't know what she did. Something scanned wrong or she didn't get a sale price or something. She said she wasn't used to that short register, and kept missing something. 
Old Lady Checker was having trouble getting items into the bag. This wire bag-holder was behind her, not at the end of the counter like on the long checkouts. She had put The Pony's bottle of wine into a slim paper bag, with a lot of trouble, and then into the plastic bag. But she exclaimed, "Oh, no. I did that AGAIN!" She did something to the register, then took the wine out of the plastic bag, and out of the slim paper bag, and scanned it again.
"There. Now you'll have an unripped bag, anyway." 
Not that I minded if The Pony's wine rode home in a torn paper sack. But I can see how it would have been hard to fit it back into the same slim paper sack, since the top had been crinkled.

I looked at my receipt when I got back to T-Hoe. Just to make sure they hadn't BLATANTLY cheated me on something. What I saw curdled my blood!

The Old Lady Checker must have forgotten to type in an age for the alcohol purchase. She never asked me for ID, of course. She had taken it upon herself to type one in.


Let the record show that Mrs. HM is NOT 65! And no, Mrs. HM is not OLDER than 65, for all you wiseacres who might imply that!

I guess my recent illness has really taken a toll on my girlish appearance...


Sioux Roslawski said...

Oh, she was covering her a$$. Too lazy to ask, not intelligent enough to make a reasonable guess.

Hillbilly Mom said...

You'd think she could have showed a little charity, and put down that I was 40! Which I'm not, either, but it's more palatable, though perhaps also shocking.

River said...

But..but...your "about me" says "I am old, with an old husband and young sons.."
So right there you have called yourself old, when you probably shouldn't have since you aren't even 65. I am older than you (70 next birthday) and some people are shocked when they find out my age, so I guess I look younger.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think I started this blog in 2005, back when I was teaching, and the kids reminded me every day that I was OLD.

"I bet your Social Security number is ONE!" (those numbers have 9 digits)

"Did Jesus sign your yearbook?"

Yes, I think you look younger. Maybe that checker would put down 65 for you, too!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I never looked at a receipt to see the age someone thought me to be. I will now. I have been carded to prove that I am a senior citizen. I want my discount!! Seems odd that she would need the bottle of wine to put in an age over 21!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I was looking to see if they cheated me on anything, since the supervisor had to come reset something. Then my ALLEGED AGE jumped out at me! I think maybe she had to re-scan it before getting the total, because she had done several items after the wine. I think she voided it and re-scanned to do it right.