Sunday, February 6, 2022

He Gets By With A Little Help From His Total Stranger Customers

The Pony had Farmer H drive him to work on Saturday. He was on his regular route, driving the ProMaster, I think. The newest van. It had 36 miles on it when assigned to The Pony. Anyhoo... they were delivering mail from Wednesday and Thursday, which finally came in.

The Pony got stuck on his 4th stop. Snow here is over 7 inches. He was kicking some clogs from around his tires when people came out to help! First, three of them tried rocking the van, without success. Then one went to get kitty litter, and another got some hot water to pour on some clogs before putting down the kitty litter for traction. They got The Pony loose!

Also, since The Pony has a hold on a route, he should not have been sent the message not to come in on Friday. According to his union steward, he should be getting paid for that day, even though he didn't work. We'll see.


Sioux Roslawski said...

I'm glad The Pony got some help from the public. I hope he gets some pay for that snow day. Teachers (and ski resort owners) should not be the only ones thrilled with lots of snow and ice...

Sioux Roslawski said...

10 feet in the air... I'm trying to visualize you on a stretcher that high in the air. Hmmm.

By the way, your hospitalization tale is so exciting, I imagine you could blog on it for a weeks and weeks. How many installments?

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony just wants to get through a day of work without issues. But he will gladly accept that pay. Since his union steward and another manager are on the case, I think it might happen. They were questioning all the employees that have a hold on a route, to see if they all got that notice.

As a hospital captive, I was NOT thrilled with that snow and ice!

Sioux 2,
I swear my head almost hit the ceiling of the ER hallway as they wheeled me out! I could do without the excitement, even for blog fodder. No idea how many installments. Until it gets done. It's hard to condense some details. Like the death of Farmer H's Cancer Girlfriend last fall, which showed how this "protocol" of treatment is not a good fit for everybody. I don't know of any other illness where all patients are given the exact same treatment as a matter of policy.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

People are good in general. I remember HeWho and our neighbor on our right side abandoning their snow throwers to help another neighbor out of the snowbanks left by the snowplow when we lived in Minnesota (the frozen tundra). The irony was that she was putting make-up on as she backed out of her drive! I have always pictured a mascara wand in her hand at her eye as she hit the wall of snow. They could make a word of caution public service announcement with her as the star! Do you think it is a sign of aging that triggers all these random memories?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, and I think they were bored out of their minds from being trapped inside for days. So The Pony was a pleasant distraction that allowed them to convene for do-gooding.

I think my random memories pop up because I don't have enough real work to keep me busy! Probably not your problem, what with all the unpacking.