Monday, February 28, 2022

What Fresh Not-Heaven Is THIS?

Genius, The Pony, and I have been playing Wordle every day, sending our results to each other. I had ONE DAY where I was the winner! So far, The Pony has been leading our pack, sometimes guessing the word in 3 tries. Genius has done that a couple times. Me? Only ONCE! But it was grand, being the daily winner of our trio. At least I've guessed it every day, as have Genius and The Pony. You only get 6 tries.

Now The Pony has come up with a torture more heinous than anything Farmer H could ever inflict upon me. I refuse to suspect that The Pony is trying to kill me. But if I played this game, it might...

"Hey, Mom! You know that Wordle game Genius told you about? Well now there's a new one. WORLDLE! It's about geography! It gives you the silhouette of a country, and you type in your guess. If you're wrong, it tells you what direction to go from your country to get to the right one. And what your chances are of getting it right."

"No thank you. I don't think that's the game for me!"

"Try today's! I'll even give you a hint. It's an ISLAND!"

"Is it England?"

"Heh, heh. No. You didn't even look at it. I guessed it the first try. It's Iceland."
"Good for you. You KNOW how I am with geography!"

"Let me bring my phone over so you can play. Here. What country is this?"

"I don't know... Russia?"

"MOM! I already told you! It's ICELAND!"

"Oh. Well. It doesn't look like Iceland to me. It looks like Russia."

"I can't believe I told you today's answer, and you STILL couldn't get it!"

"I won't be playing that game."

Who in the WORLD would want to play that? Not this ol' gal, that's for sure. I don't need to be reminded every day of my inadequacies.


Sioux Roslawski said...

I would stink at Worldle. And Mathle, too.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! Too bad there's not a SCIENCLE! I think I could excel.

River said...

Is there a time limit on guesses? Because I'd have to play by flipping Atlas pages and it would take me all day. So I'm not going to even try.

River said...

How on earth does little Iceland look like huge Russia?

River said...

<---> Iceland
<--------------------------------------> Russia

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't think there's a time limit.

The picture wasn't a scale drawing. Just a silhouette that filled the space. Nothing to compare it to.

It's not like the country was next to anything to show comparative size. You had to know it by the shape.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I will pass on this game, as well. Maybe if they had a game about gardening or sewing? I hope they don't because I would never leave the sofa!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Your fur buddies wouldn't mind the couch thing!