Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Rich Get Richer

On Friday, The Pony gave me money to buy him a lottery (heh, heh, once again, I typed "lootery") ticket. Not just any lottery ticket. The new $50 ticket. He didn't specify where he wanted me to get it.
"I'm going to visit Sis. So I'll be at the School-Turn Casey's, and the Sis-Town Casey's. Also, I'm going to Country Mart on the way home."
"It doesn't matter. Wherever you feel like there's a winner when you look at it. Though with your recent track record, I might be crazy..."
"I'll get it when it speaks to me."
So off I went, mulling it over on my drive. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like the School-Turn Casey's was the place. In line, I looked at the ticket case. That $50 ticket was kind of falling from its place at the top left corner of the case. Like it was leaning forward, wanting to be bought. When I got back to T-Hoe, I looked at the ticket number. 015. The 15th is The Pony's birthday date. So I felt like it was meant to be.

By the time I got home, I was kind of worried about that ticket. Such a lot of money. I've been wrong before with my hunches. But this was THE PONY'S money. Oh, well. He can afford a loss. His bank account has grown fat, with only his car insurance and his phone bill to pay. The Pony came out to carry groceries for me. It was his day off.

"I'm scratching my fifty now. I'll finish putting away the groceries in a minute."
"I'll sit down here to see what you get."
The Pony grabbed a quarter, and started scratching at the kitchen counter. He scratches off all the bottom numbers first, instead of the set of numbers to match. He's looking for a WIN symbol, or multiples of a number. That means he'll be a winner.
"WINNER! I got the symbol for automatic win."
"I'm so relieved! We know that you at least got your $50 back."
After scratching all the numbers, The Pony picked up the ticket and brought it to me. So I knew it must be good.
"Look. It won $200!"
"Well. I guess I made the right choice!"
The Pony stashed his ticket away with some previous winners. He's saving for CasinoPalooza. Before we leave, I'll buy those tickets from him, and cash them in over time as I buy my scratchers. 

Yeah. That kind of spoiled my own tickets. Nothing spectacular. Though I DID win $20 on a $3 ticket. I'd take a picture of The Pony's winner, but I don't feel like getting up to deal with it. It's not nearly as much fun to brag about somebody else's winner...


Sioux Roslawski said...

It sounds like The Pony inherited your luck. Or, was he lucky because YOU chose the ticket?

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony chose to buy a ticket on that day. Of course I am taking credit for the CHOICE OF WHERE I BOUGHT IT. Just like I'd take credit for a big salad if I handed it to somebody...

River said...

Lootery sounds right to me.
"I'll get it when it speaks to me"
I did that last week, a five dollar scratcher practically begged me to take it home. There's $5 I'll never see again :(
I'm going back to keeping my money in my wallet and bank. The Lootery commission has looted enough from my savings.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Since The Pony's win, I've had terrible luck. Those tickets aren't speaking to me for ME! I am cutting back to the $3 version. At least I have the fun of scratching the crosswords, even if they are losers. I'd rather save my money for losing on an upcoming CasinoPalooza!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You should at least get a commission!

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony begs to differ...