Sunday, April 2, 2023

SOMEBODY Must Be Feeling Better

Farmer H continues to struggle with pain in his right hip. The left hip seems to be on the mend, not hurting as bad as the right. He was up at 1:30 a.m. Friday night, sitting in his recliner, saying that he couldn't sleep because of the pain. I suggested that our mattress is doing him no favors. Farmer H sleeps on his right side. So that hip is being bent out of shape for 12 hours a day. Farmer H's side of the bed has a sag, because of his penchant for sitting on the edge every single day since we've had it, and putting on his clothes and socks and shoes. Mattresses are not made for side-sitting.

Anyhoo... I proposed that Farmer H try to sleep in The Pony's room. I went in and dragged the containers out of the way. Fetched a blanket for Farmer H. Got him settled and covered. Turned out the light. He slept the rest of the night, even without having his breather.

On Saturday afternoon, I washed the sheets and comforter, and put pillowcases on the two pillows left behind by The Pony. Farmer H took his own pillow, but he can use the other two to prop up his breatherless head. Although he DID take his breather in there when he got home.

We had Terrible Taters made with pulled pork on Friday night. Farmer H had some left, and was planning to have it Saturday night, over a piece of bread. I told him that when he warmed it, he should take it out of the plastic container, and put it in a glass bowl. I don't think some plastics are made for microwaving. Farmer H said he'd just put the pulled pork on a paper plate to warm it. I objected, saying that a paper plate is more expensive than the rest-of-my-lifetime supply of fake Dawn dishwashing liquid that Farmer H got me at the auction.

Flash to Saturday evening. Farmer H came to the kitchen, and took five minutes and much noise rooting out a giant glass plate, upon which he dumped his pulled pork.

"Wait a minute. What are you doing?"

"Warming my BBQ. You said to use a glass plate."

"I said to use a glass bowl. They're way easier to wash than a big plate."

"No. I told you I was using a paper plate, and you said to use a glass plate."

"I never would have done that. I figured you'd scoop your BBQ out of the bowl, onto the bread on a paper plate. Which would only use one plate. Not two."

"I was going to put my bread down first, then the BBQ on top to warm it."

"Well. You never said THAT. It would make the bread tough. And now you're not even putting bread under your BBQ. So how are you going to do that?"

Farmer H had a fit, saying that I give too many instructions that make no sense, and I only want to boss him around to do things MY way. To which I replied that HE is not the one who has to deal with washing the dishes by hand every single day of his life.

Yeah. I make HIS life so hard! Let him make his own alternate bed and lie in it!


Rae said...

It was nice of you to prepare the spare bed for Hick. Maybe you guys should look at getting a new mattress? I'm not advocating or selling beds but we have a split king size bed and it includes a base that you can adjust the elevation. Essentially, it is 2 extra long twin size beds, side by side. Ours were Ghost Bed brand. Not sure if they are still around. They weren't cheap, but we do both like them and that's after having sleep number beds, so there's that. Just a thought. Ranee (MN)

River said...

Perhaps you need to show him what a glass BOWL looks like so he won't mistake it for a giant glass plate in future.
I've known people to sit on the side of their beds, me included, for years and it doesn't affect the mattress. Any sagging is usually in the middle where the body lies during sleep.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would try anything to make him feel better and stop his incessant SIGHING! The plan was to get a new mattress before his back surgery. He was in charge, supposedly visiting a couple stores to price them and try them out. Then he quit mentioning it, and I suppose didn't even look. So it's kind of his own fault, since I'm not going to be the one testing mattresses to suit his back.

He's just being persnickety, not listening to me, and showing me who's boss.

My side of the mattress does not have a broken-down side, since I never sit on the side of the bed. Nor does it have a sag where I lie. Farmer H has actually fallen out of bed a couple times, due to that side-sag. Or that's what he blames it on, anyway. I guess he spent all those years sitting on the edge-seam area, since the bed is a little high for him to sit back with his feet touching the floor. If he had a sag in the middle, maybe it would keep him from falling out!