Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sweets For The Sweetie

Farmer H went to the auction Tuesday night. He even brought me something. Something NOT expired! The picture it not very flattering, because my kitchen lighting is not the best, and I had just pulled the plastic wrap off the treat. Farmer H came in carrying two of these:

He ate his immediately, and I told him to put mine in FRIG II for later. It's some kind of cake. I can't figure it out, but it was so tasty that I would eat it again if Farmer H finds it at the auction. Some kind of cherry, I think, but it also had the taste of orange. Maybe it's a poke cake, where you stab it with a fork and pour Jello over it. But there was a textural element that might have been fruit particles.

Farmer H was most likely not thinking about bringing me anything. To hear him tell it:

"They was gettin' rid of leftover cake, and had these on a table when we left. So I got two."

Heh, heh. He might have already eaten a couple in the car! But I'm thankful for this treat. They were on a small paper plate, wrapped in clear plastic. I set mine of a more sturdy paper plate, a big one. Very tasty. My compliments to the scavenger.


River said...

It looks delicious. But cake with jello poured over it? That sounds soggy and not nice.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I am always a bit cautious when eating food prepared by unknowns. Most of the time it is fine, but campers would always bring plates of food to our office. Most of it got eaten, but there were smoe campers that were just nasty in their personal hygiene, so I wouldn't eat their food. If your finger nails are full of dirt and you don't even wash your hands and face, much less your hair .... the ones in my mind didn'y have any teeth, so brushing teeth was not an issue. Just picture a nice plump middle aged woman with an apron on preparing what you eat!

Hillbilly Mom said...

It is a moist cake, quite tasty, not at all soggy. My mom used to make a strawberry version.

I have a taste tester! Like royalty, heh, heh! Farmer H has eaten many things from that auction. The guy's wife sells hamburgers and desserts. He actually eats his evening meal there, so I don't have to cook on those nights. As long as Farmer H is still kickin', I think any of that food he brings home is safe enough.

I would never eat anything made by my favorite gambling aunt. One year she gave all of us teachers a candle, and the candles were topped with cat hair! If it gets in a candle, it will get in the food! Good thing she doesn't cook much...