Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Uncelebrated Jumping Balm Of Hillmomba Mansion

Farmer H was in for a talking-to during Friday's "This Is the Time of Day We Talk About the Most Recent Thing You've Done Wrong." Of course he denied any knowledge of doing wrong...

Farmer H has been putting Arthritis-Strength Hempvana on his aching hips every night.  It comes in a small white jar, about the size of a peach, with a screw-top lid. For his convenience, Farmer H keeps that little jar in the master bathroom, to apply after a shower. 

I know you won't believe this, but Farmer H once again has found a way to inconvenience Mrs. HM! He sets the Hempvana jar on the edge of the big triangle tub, right where I lay my folded pants before my shower. That is MY territory! 

The first time, I cut Farmer H some slack. Perhaps he didn't know that spot is reserved for my town pants. So I said nothing. I just moved the Hempvana jar six inches sideways, and on top of a plastic box of baby wipes that hasn't been used in years, with contents most likely as dry as tissue paper. Sure, they could probably be revived with a bit of water sprinkled inside. I don't remember why we had them in the first place. Perhaps some former affliction of Farmer H that left him unable to shower for a couple days. Anyhoo... no need to congratulate us. We are not having a baby...

That was a perfect solution. With the Hempvana jar on top of the baby wipes box on the corner of the tub, there was space once again for my pre-shower town pants. Who wouldn't notice the relocation, and realize that the Hempvana had a new resting place?


For a week now, I move the Hempvana up on the baby wipes, and for a week now, I find it back in my way on the edge of the tub when I go in to shower.

When I asked Farmer H why he keeps returning the Hempvana to MY RIGHTFUL PANTS SPACE, he replied,

"Oh. I didn't notice."

"What do you mean, you didn't notice? Do you think that Hempvana jumps up on the baby wipes box every night while you're asleep?"

"I didn't notice that it's moved. I just put it back where I always put it."

Yes. In an open space that I use for my needs. Same as with every open space in this Mansion, from FRIG II's shelves, to the kitchen counter, to the table between recliner and short couch, to the kitchen table, to the laundry room shelves and freezer top!!!

It's like an unhidden talent that nobody in the world would celebrate. Except maybe another space-stealer.


River said...

"I just put it back where I always put it."
What a shame he can't just put it back where he got it from instead.
We had that drummed into us by my mum, who always put everything back where it belonged, so of course I do the same now. OCD? Or early training?

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I am surprised that he found the jar after you moved it! HeWho would have bellowed, "Where did you put my jar?" HeWho is not one to look for something when he can make someone else do it!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know! How hard could that be? Farmer H has a thing about filling up any open space. I guess it's his version of manspreading. He spreads his belongings all over the place to mark his territory.

I am also surprised, since Farmer H can't find anything else in this Mansion where he's lived for 35 years.