Thursday, May 25, 2023

As Much As I Hate To Admit It, Farmer H Might Be Right About Jack's Increasing Girth

As I came down the driveway Tuesday after my trip to town, I saw a giant rabbit on the left, sitting in the grass between the driveway and Copper Jack's acreage. It's an overgrown thicket on the other side of that fence. Makes for good neighbors. That bunny flaunted its cotton tail at me as he hopped away. He was a big fellow or fellowette.

As I continued toward the garage, a flurry of activity caught my attention from the right. An even huger rabbit darted across in front of T-Hoe, closely followed by long-legged Copper Jack, and my ground-hugging little Jack. I had to put on the brakes. They were oblivious to the unwritten rules of Animal vs Two-Ton Vehicle.

All three critters darted under the fence and disappeared into the underbrush. I surmised that this hunt was unsuccessful when my little Jack joined me in the garage. No sign of carnage. I'm sure that greeting me would not be Jack's top priority if he had a tasty rabbit carcass at his disposal.

Chasing is good exercise. But the catch is detrimental to Jack's waistline.


River said...

Perhaps you could cut back on the commercial food while rabbit season is on?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Let the record show that such a tactic has proved unsuccessful, even before I saw the rabbits. I've been telling Farmer H to cut back on Jack's food. From what I see in his bowl some days, that hasn't happened. It must be the days Jack has eaten a rabbit! Sometimes the bowl is full when I leave for town, sometimes it is completely empty. Farmer H feeds them around 7:00 a.m. So Jack has had ample time to eat if he wants it. I should pour the bowl food into my measuring cup, and confront Farmer H with it!

River said...

Yes you should. Go ahead and do that. I give you permission.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's just a matter of remembering, and then taking the measuring cup out when the dish is still full. I'm not going to the trouble of pouring fresh food into the dish, because that would get Jack's hopes up that he's getting more food!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I use a measuring cup that holds 4 cups and no matter how many times I have taken time from my busy schedule to educate the man about what constitutes 2 cups of dogfood on that cup, he continues to fill it and dump it into their dish. I moved the dogfood further away to prevent the man from adding a second full cup to the dish, knowing he would be too lazy to walk the extra 10 feet. Now I will be replacing the old 4 cup vessel with a 2 cup vessle and see if that works! I am only cooking once a week until I get all my heavy gardening work done. He has been preparing meals that I lay out with instructions and sort of cleaning up the kitchen. Laundry will never be added to his chores, as he is not one to change the settings on the washer to accomodate the needs of the different loads, or worse, cra everything into one load. Baby steps.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sweet Gummi Mary! If we had a 4-cup measuring cup, Jack would be so roly-poly that he would have to lie next to the garage door, and have food poured down his throat!

I can't believe you are getting HeWho to cook AND clean up the kitchen! That baby is almost running!