Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Pony Dips His Hoof Into Adulting

The Pony has been out of the Mansion for a year now. Made his 13th payment to us for Pony House this month. He's had his job with the post office for two years. I'm quite proud of him making his way in this world. The Pony has always been content to let others do for him. Just sit back and go with the flow. Opposite from Genius the go-getter, always chafing at the bit to get out on his own.

The Pony does his own income tax return. Deals with his own finances and utilities. He does still have his phone on our account, to reap the benefits of unlimited data, and his car on our insurance, to get the multi-policy discount with all our autos and house insurance. He pays his portion without issue, as soon as I notify him when it's due. The car is still in our name, simply because we haven't changed it. There's no payment. It was bought outright, just like Genius's first truck.

Anyhoo... we got the notice that it was time to renew the license for The Pony's car. It doesn't cost a lot. Less than $100. But it requires proof of insurance, and personal property tax receipts from the past two years. I told The Pony we got the notice, and would let him know when we paid it.

"Can I just pay it myself?"

Well of course! Far be it from me to take a number and wait in line at the local license office behind the dead mouse smelling post office! I wouldn't dare rob The Pony of that pleasure. So we got the tax receipts and loaned them to him at my Mother's Day catfish dinner. The Pony has temporarily switched routes, and has Mondays off right now. So he planned to get the license renewed on Monday. I sent him a text Sunday to see if that was still the plan, since next Monday the office will be closed for Memorial Day, and then the month will be over. Don't want a late fee. The Pony said he knew.

At 11:12 on Monday, The Pony sent me a text:

"Finished the car stuff!"

"Good adulting!"


Now I just need to get our tax receipts back. 


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Did you wonder how long he stood in line? It is a strange feeling when they all leave and pay there own way? You will always worry about their welfare, but the freedom of letting that responsibilty go is quite nice.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I DO wonder, because it's near the end of the month, when lines are longer. Also, the office is right beside that giant sinkhole that goes down to the lead mine, with only a fence to block it off, and the longer Pony was in line, the likelier he was to perish if that thing collapsed further!

River said...

I was happy when my four got jobs and took care of themselves, there's been the odd accasion when I've had to help out, but they always pay me back when they can.

Hillbilly Mom said...

They are so totally different. Genius would have moved out on his own at 5 if he could have reached the gas pedal on a vehicle! The Pony would probably still be living here, looking online for the perfect job, if Farmer H hadn't strongly suggested that he apply for the post office job we saw advertised. He's a dependable steady worker, but not an aggressive go-getter like Genius.