Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Slow Blog Day

Nothing happening here in Hillmomba. We didn't grill or do anything special for the Memorial Day holiday. Poor Pony. I'm sure he would have come out for steaks, but we just didn't think about it. You know, what with every day being kind of the same when you're retired. We can have Pony come out another day off. There's still plenty of summer left. In fact, it hasn't even officially started yet, though the temperature is supposed to be near 90 on Tuesday.

Farmer H has done nothing about getting POOLIO ready. He usually starts that around May 1, taking off the cover, testing the water, adding chemicals, and waiting for the sun to heat up the water. I guess I'll ask him if he's done POOLIOing. Last year it seems like he only got in about a dozen times.

Still no oil change for T-Hoe, though Farmer H did put in some more oil, so the alarm doesn't sound. I think T-Hoe is down to 10 percent oil life left. That can't be good. He's already old, and now his arteries will clog!

I don't know what Farmer H has planned for this week. He needs to deal with T-Hoe, and POOLIO, and work on the flip house. He'll probably just fritter his time away fiddling with stuff in his old storage locker.

As for me, I'll be doing pretty much nothing. Besides cooking and dishwashing and shopping and toilet-cleaning and bill-paying. Maybe winning a $100 on a scratcher. Which I did last night, on a $10 ticket.


River said...

I really thought Farmer H would take T-hoe for a proper full oil change to get the sludge cleaned out from the works. He would do it for his own car, right? Is he planning to leave you car-less? He'll have to be doing his own shopping and bill paying then while you sit at home worrying about how many doughnuts he is scarfing down between meals.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm pretty sure Farmer H got an oil change for SilverRedO in April. I reminded him again tonight after supper, and he mumbled about, "Well, I'll have to do it early or you'll complain about not being able to go to town." EVERYONE knows that I am gone 1 hour a day (2 on Thursdays), and never leave here before 2:00. So I don't know what Farmer H means by EARLY. He leaves the Mansion at 7:00 a.m. Seems like he could find time to fit in T-Hoe.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I leave car maintenance to HeWho. It's not like he is consumed with daily chores. But, like everything elase, he has to talk about the need for awhile before he gets to it. They are just being manly, exxagerating their importance.

River said...

If you just felt a gust of wind that was me giving him a virtual slap upside the head.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I reminded him again this morning. I think that was the fourth or fifth time. And he said, "I might as well do it now." Took T-Hoe to town at 7:45.

It worked!