Saturday, January 6, 2024

At The Mansion, Pity Is Kept Under Lock And Key

Farmer H made a surprise appearance at the Mansion at noon on Friday. He's usually gone the whole day, but popped in after his Senior Center lunch, because he had taken the wrong medicine in his pocket. He gets a shot every Friday afternoon, and takes his own vial of meds for injection.


"Do you have a cold? You do, don't you?"

"No. No. I ain't got no cold. I was just sneezin' outside."

I'm pretty sure Farmer H is coming down with a cold. Even though he said he didn't have one, he said he got it from me or The Pony. POPPYCOCK! We first had symptoms Dec 26. Our fevers were gone Dec 30. No way were we contagious two days ago when Farmer H must have been exposed to his version.

Anyhoo... I WANT to be sympathetic, and give Farmer H some pity, because I know what he's in for the next 10 days. But it's really hard. Because at noon, while telling me he wasn't sick, he asked for my cough drops! You know, the bag I had to go buy for myself, once my fever was over, and I was not too dizzy to drive myself to the store and get them.

Around here, pity is doled out like opioids for legitimate pain. Like cream filling in the middle of an Oreo. Like an old crone clutching her change purse, dropping a single penny into a trick-or-treater's bucket. 

I don't want Farmer H to be miserable. But he should not expect special treatment. Especially since I didn't get any much. And he MIGHT just be giving me some new strain of virus right after I got over the old one.

When Farmer H returned home in the evening, he set a giant bottle of OTC cough medicine on the bedroom dresser. And a large bag of sugar-free cough drops on the kitchen counter. He said the pharmacist told him the cough medicine was okay with his high blood pressure. Hope so...

There are two yellow Gatorades left. I'm going to offer them to Farmer H.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

You are being generous with the gatorade! You do know you will be tending a sick man whether you want to or not. They turn into infants with constant needs and wants. I have so much empathy for your upcoming ordeal!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I AM! I will probably need it myself, after being worn down to a nub with efforts to keep Farmer H alive. I already made him a hot toddy tonight, while he was complaining that I took too long, and he wanted me to go change clothes so he could drink his hot toddy in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom. Hot toddies don't make themselves! It would have taken the same time whether I changed before or after making the hot toddy. His complaint being that my home clothes were draped IN THE WAY over the edge of the tub. And that if he moved them to start the bath water, I might complain.

River said...

There's just no end to the way he finds ways to complain but it's nice of you to offer the gatorades, now that you are well enough to go out and buy more. I could suggest wearing a mask while he is contagious but i'll leave the decision up to you.

Hillbilly Mom said...

After I made him a hot toddy, specifically asking if he wanted it in a BIG cup, or a REGULAR cup, he said it was too strong. Well, that's what happens when you choose the REGULAR cup! There's room for less hot water. So the drink is more concentrated. But that's my fault, too!

I'll take my chances without a mask. Any virus is so small it will pass through a mask. Only droplets are stopped, and I'm not getting close enough to Farmer H to let him sneeze or cough on me. I'd rather breath Mansion air straight, not through a mask that has my own mouth bacteria lingering on it.