Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Mrs. HM Returns, With More To The Story

When we last convened on Thursday, Mrs. HM had taken ill Tuesday night upon returning from the casino. The Pony had gotten sick just before walking into the casino. And my sister the ex-mayor's wife was feeling poorly on Christmas Day.

Well. What has not been revealed elsewhere might be pertinent to the sickies.

Genius and Friend drove into town on Saturday. They met up with assorted college buddies along the way from Pittsburgh. They spent some time with Friend's family on Saturday night. Then came to Hillmomba to visit with The Veteran on Sunday morning, tour the Flip House with Farmer H on Sunday noon, and then to the Mansion to chill with me until time for the Sis Soiree at 6:00.

I was mainly in the kitchen constructing food while they were here, talking from the kitchen table as they lay on assorted couches watching TV and/or napping. They were both getting over colds, with a little coughing here and there, but not sounding nasally or hoarse. We drove separately to Sis's after Farmer H returned home around 5:00. On Monday, Genius and Friend were back at the Mansion by 10:00, to eat Christmas Dinner at 11:00. They stayed until 2:30, then went back to the city for Friend's family festivities. We next connected Tuesday evening at the casino, and they left for Pittsburgh on Wednesday morning.

Thursday morning, we got a group text from Genius:

"Friend's family just let us know that his mom and dad both tested positive for THE VIRUS last night. We both feel fine and are picking up tests now, but wanted to let you know."

An hour later, Genius reported that they were both negative. Genius advised me to get a test, but I was not all that concerned. What difference would it make? I felt like I had a head cold. I've already supposedly had THE VIRUS in FEB 2022, according to my first ER, but not according to my hospital discharge papers. I did not feel at all like I did then.

I was more concerned for The Pony, who was feeling really sick, with body aches and a cough and fever and general symptoms like when I had the flu. He took a test, and was positive for THE VIRUS. Again, what difference did it make? It's not like he changed anything he was doing. It just made him more anxious, I believe.

Anyhoo... The Pony has had quite a hard time with his sickness, the aches being the most troublesome, and the cough and fever. He ordered some Nyquil and Dayquil, ibuprofen, and a thermometer. At least his appetite and taste were not affected. He still ordered food every day. He has been very tired and dizzy, with chills. No breathing problems for The Pony. It still sounds like when I had a bout of flu many years ago. It took a long time to get over.

Anyhoo... Genius and Friend continue to test negative. Sis had not mentioned if she took a test, though I'm sure Genius notified her and everyone who was at her house. 

I'm over my cold. The Pony is better, but not great, due to the dizziness. His fever had been gone since Friday. The post office has no official guidelines on THE VIRUS now. It gets treated same as a cold. No special time off needed. You could go in to work with it if you wanted. That might be where The Pony got it.

We don't know who the carrier is that made us all sick. It could have been different for each of us. Sis probably caught hers before we did, since her symptoms showed up a day-and-a-half earlier. The Pony definitely caught something different than what I had. Genius and Friend may have had nothing to do with it at all. I'm pretty sure they didn't test their "colds" the week before they drove here. They are the kind of people who would test, if they thought they might have THE VIRUS, because they are very cognizant of spreading it to elderlies like Friend's grandpa last year, or me and Farmer H.

If The Pony can get through his route without toppling over from the dizziness, he will have his regular day off of Wednesday to recuperate for another day. He ended up taking two sick days, and a day of annual leave while he was off. He lost his holiday pay for New Years Day, probably, since he didn't work the day before. Which would have technically been Saturday, since Sunday is a day off for The Pony.

Anyhoo, with the newest guidelines saying to stay home five days with THE VIRUS, The Pony is not endangering anyone. He's been off six days. Without a fever for at least three days. Dizziness isn't contagious! I hope The Pony makes it through the day. At least his leg soreness is gone.


River said...

It is possible for people to contract the same virus and be affected differently. The type of virus doesn't matter, it mostly depends on what part of your body it settles in to. For you, the head and sinuses, for The Pony, the whole body and so on.
I'm glad to hear all of you are mostly well again, and hope The Pony is soon his normal self again. Dizziness is not fun.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Everything about The Pony's sickness was different from mine. From the symptoms, to the severity and timing of the fever, to the aches, the cough, the appetite, the sleep, the headache. About all we had in common was some chills, and later dizziness.

I am still a bit concerned for The Pony, but at least Wednesday is his regular day off. I am feeling close to normal. Just tired, and tasteless. Had one little bout of dizziness while sitting in T-Hoe at a stoplight.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

If Pony is still dizzy, he can go online and look up the Epley maneuver. It helps a lot with dizziness.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I will pass that info on to The Pony.