Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Good Deed On The Home Front

Farmer H went to his 50th high school reunion Saturday night. His school had small classes. There were 37 former students and teachers who showed up. Farmer H helped plan the festivities. He took the cake. Literally. Not figuratively. And also a commemorative token, which was a little metal bottle opener in school colors, with the mascot and year printed on it.

When he came home, Farmer H was carrying two styrofoam containers. 

"I brought you something. Some fried chicken and ribs."

"What kind of chicken?"

"I don't know. I brought four pieces. A leg. I think a breast. And maybe a back."

"A BACK? Who eats a chicken back these days?"

"Well, I don't know. I don't know the pieces."

Seriously? In this day and age, what elderly man does not know his chicken pieces? Anyhoo... this was a nice gesture.

MMMMM! I'm not a big fan of ribs, but I'm not turning them down! They were more smoked than barbecued, so I got some extra sauce to dip it in. One rib portion was enough for me.

The fried chicken was indeed a breast and a leg. I don't like legs. But the other two pieces were thighs. So there's still food for Sunday, although Farmer H is being taken out for dinner by The Pony.  No cake for me, but at least Farmer H thought about me, and brought home some meat.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Always nice to be thought of. Since neither of us attended graduation ceremonies, earning our GED diplomas instaed, we will never have to attend a reunion. I was too eager to begin my life at 15 and got married. Thought I was homely and if someone proposed I better jump on it. This turned out to be a disaster. I married someone who eagerly reinforced my insecurities. I seem to have overcome them, though.

River said...

Yay! Free food! Sorry you missed out on cake though.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. I usually only know that Farmer H realizes I exist when I'm pretty sure he's trying to kill me! That may have worked out for the best in your case. You have DEFINITELY overcome any real or imagined insecurities!

I prefer savory over sweet, but I would have dearly loved a piece of that storebought cake with buttercream icing!