Friday, June 2, 2023

Oil And Mountain Dew

After four or five whining reminders, Farmer H declared that he would take T-Hoe RIGHT THEN and get the oil changed. It was "early" on Wednesday morning, before he left to putter around with his junk.

Farmer H was home by 9:15, T-Hoe now having 100 percent oil life left, rather than the 9 percent that was draining his automotive health. For once he didn't adjust the seat to his short legs, nor fiddle with my radio stations, nor re-park T-Hoe so close to the garage wall that the door slammed against the 2x4 studs.

You'd think Farmer H deserved a belated blue ribbon, wouldn't you? Well. Don't!

As I was getting out the ingredients to pre-start supper, I saw a depressing sight in FRIG II. Farmer H was down to only one Diet Mountain Dew. Oh, it's not like we're out. There were 9 six-packs in T-Hoe's rear! I buy them when Country Mart has a special. It's not as special as it used to be, heh, heh. Now they're 3-for-$11. Not all that cheap, until you consider that the regular price is $4.99 per six-pack.

Anyhoo... I've been stockpiling the Diet Mountain Dew. No room in the Mansion for all that, though Farmer H could probably garner some free grocery shelves to start hoarding up my kitchen. I leave the soda in T-Hoe, and bring in one six-pack at a time. I don't want to carry more than one. It's heavy!

So spoiled is Farmer H that he rarely deigns to put his own soda in FRIG II. I'm kind of tired of doing things that he can do for himself. I will grudgingly put the six-pack on the top shelf, but I draw the line at wrestling the bottles out of the plastic rings that bind them together. Of course Farmer H leaves them hooked to each other, only peeling out one at a time as he drinks them. Makes putting items on the top shelf more awkward, working around that block of soda.

Anyhoo... I was a bit perturbed that Farmer H had been RIGHT THERE, in the garage with T-Hoe, and couldn't grab a six-pack of his own soda to carry in when he brought back the keys.

"I can't believe you didn't carry in your soda! You were RIGHT THERE. You KNOW you're running out."

"I didn't think of it, HM."

Said Farmer H as he twisted the cap off the last Diet Mountain Dew I had carried to him when I took him a plate of Ritz Crackers, two cheese sticks, and a few slices of ham at 2:30, since he missed lunch at the Senior Center, and hadn't eaten anything.

I guess I should have given him four or five reminders.


River said...

Possibly he doesn't think of these things because you have always done them for him so he expects his mountain dew to magically appear when he needs it. He's not the type to think "oh I'm running low, maybe I should go get another six-pack"

Hillbilly Mom said...

I imagine that Farmer H DOES think of it, but assumes I will do it for him. Which I only started doing because of his back surgery and the lifting. He passes by the garage every day when he comes home. It's not like he's got his hands full of groceries! Usually it's just the mail. So it's not like he'd have to make separate trip. Just go in the garage to T-Hoe's rear. A detour of about 20 steps total.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

The key word here is "think". We changed the water dispenser bottle size from 5 gallons to 3 gallons because I couldn't load the bigger bottle. I could puck it up and bring it in the house, but I could not raise it high enough to put it on the dispenser. Like you, I took over some of his chores while he was reovering form all his ailments and surgeries. Seems like it is now my responsibility now. After all I do have the ability to do, but so does he!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Once you do it for them, it becomes your job forever!