Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Close-Chewers, Having A Ball

Tuesday, I was standing at the right lottery machine in Country Mart, scanning some winners to buy a scratcher for The Pony with his accumulated small draw-ticket wins. I had finished shopping, and had a cart full of soda six-packs, a 12-roll multi-pack of toilet paper, the frozen pizza I forgot a few days ago, and assorted other grocery items. My cart/walker was parked to the left side of the right machine, blocking the kid-machines that dispense gumballs and stretchy wall-walkers and mini toys.

Wouldn't you know it, in the midst of my calculations and ticket-feeding, a man with a young girl and boy finished checking out. The Little Girl ran over and almost collided with a tall giant gumball machine on the right of the right lottery machine.

"Hey now! Watch where you're going!" The Dad was trying to be polite as the Little Girl jammed herself up under my armpit.

The Little Boy, a bit bigger, joined them. Both kids were clamoring for a giant gumball. I don't think they even noticed the other set of dispensers blocked by my cart. You can't get mad at little kids. They were just so excited about those gumballs. The Dad dug into his pocket. Little Girl was sure to tell him, "They're a QUARTER!" She looked around five years old.

I hurried as best I could. I don't like people crowding me. But I didn't get huffy. They were kids. The Dad was trying to give them a treat. 

As I moved to the left machine, I heard Little Girl say, "I want a purple one!"

"You can't pick which color you get, honey. You'll get what comes out."

Next thing I heard was, "OH NO! It's on the floor!"

"Well, you'll have to blow it off! Quick!"

Heh, heh. I don't blame him. Those gumballs have a hard outer shell. It could easily be wiped (or blown) off after bouncing on the tile floor. It's not like a wet Gummi Bear fell out of someone's mouth and into a cat's litter box!

Anyhoo... the kids seemed to be happy as they all went out the door. And quiet, too, chomping on those giant gumballs. That Dad was pretty smart...


River said...

He sounds like a good Dad with well behaved kids.

Hillbilly Mom said...

He was patient with them, and gave them their gumball treat. The kids were excited, but not whiny or out-of-control.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I wouldn't have thrown it away either, even after Covid! But I am known for my thriftiness! That being said I would have spent a little more and bought a bag of those gumballs an doled them out one at a time!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think the kids were excited because of the size of the gumballs, and it was the machine that sends it on a twisty ride to dispense. But I'm sure they would not have turned down regular dispensations of regular gumballs!