Monday, June 5, 2023

Panic In Hillmomba!

Sweet Gummi Mary! Mrs. HM's heart was all aflutter on Saturday. With her helicopter up on blocks, she was seriously considering calling for an UberCopter! The reason? An incommunicado Pony!

Let the record show that I don't check on The Pony every day. I've let that apron string fray almost to its severance. Sometimes I go a week to 10 days without hearing from The Pony. I know he works. And I, myself, have quite a demanding scratcher life. But when I DO text The Pony, I am accustomed to a response. Farmer H, not so much. But The Pony always replies to me. If not immediately, within 30-60 minutes.

Saturday, I was planning to inform The Pony of the current state of his Flip House bill. The half which he reimburses us for on Farmer H's cash outlay, and the electric, and the Lowe's bill for materials. I wanted to explain, rather than just sending him a photo of Farmer H's chicken-scratch list on notebook paper. Well. The Pony's phone went straight to voice mail. I'm the MOM! I don't leave voice mail!

I sent The Pony a text that I had tried to call, but got voice mail. Nothing important. Just checking on his next day off, and when to come get his house payment and Flip House expenses.

No response from that initial call at 11:00 a.m., and 1:20. So I called Farmer H at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) and explained the situation. He was just closing up, and said he'd go by. KNOCK FIRST, I told him. Can't just go barging in. The Pony is an adult, and "owns" that house after payoff is complete.

THEN I got a response from The Pony at 1:36. So I called Farmer H to abort the mission.

Seems that The Pony's phone was dead, and he was taking a nap. Well. I can't really criticize a nap at 11:00 a.m., when I don't even go to bed until after that...

Anyhoo... I will never stop worrying about The Pony. Friday was really hot and humid, temps in low 90s. He could have become overheated or dehydrated at work! It was his "weekend" night, when he enjoys an adult beverage. He could have fallen and smashed his noggin! We won't even entertain the thought of a ne'er-do-well breaking in and wreaking havoc.

Thank the Gummi Mary, Genius had sent me a photo of potato salad at 9:45 a.m. So at least my UberCopter would not have cost me a flight to Pittsburgh.


River said...

I would worry a bit too even though my kids are all in their 40s now, except the one that is 50, heh. Anyway I have my own incommunicado son, no replies to texts, none from his kids and when my brother tried to phone M's phone was disconnected. I'm a bit concerned but have an idea where he may be and there's nothing I can do about that.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, they're still our babies, no matter what the age, and we'll never stop worrying about them! There's one who gives us more worries than the other three combined, but like you say, there's nothing we can do about it.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

It is hard to let them go, but I expect a quick response, too. Just from Jeff. The girls like to facetime and I hate it. Sometimes I am all sweaty and dirty from gardening and don't want to look someone in their critical eye! They are critical, too!

Hillbilly Mom said...

The apron strings to Genius have finally severed. Pittsburg is too far for them to stretch. At least I know his roommate Friend is there in the apartment, when he's not flying around all willy-nilly internationally with his tech job in the credit card industry. But The Pony has no one to make sure he's still alive if an accident should occur.

I'm never sweaty, because I'm a lazy kitchen-chair-potato. But I DO manage to look disheveled like cartoon PigPen. So I definitely would not be a fan of facetiming, even if I could figure out how to do it.