Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Mrs HM Is Robbed At The DQ Drive-Thru

Robbed of my rightful place in line, that is! What is wrong with people???

I was coming down the side road from Country Mart. I saw that there was no line. Nobody at the ordering sign. As I cautiously came past the overgrown bushes by my pharmacy, where cars like to run the stop sign and pull out in front of me... I saw that a red side-by-side was now ordering. No big deal. I would be next in line.

I turned onto the Dairy Queen parking lot, and was coasting into line behind that side-by-side when a smaller black SUV darted in the exit of the parking lot. The exit that is across from my pharmacy, where cars from DQ can pull out onto the road where people run the stop sign.

Not sure where that black SUV was going, I slowed. The driver made a U-turn and pulled into the drive-thru line ahead of me!!!

That's not right! He could clearly see that I was pulling up behind that red side-by-side. Should have come in behind me, not cut me off and forced himself ahead!

I say HE, because only a handful of times in my life has it been women who pull stunts like this. I couldn't see him clearly in his side mirror, but his beefy hand was gesturing with a lit cigarette. I waited. And waited. After four minutes, he still had not completed his order. What in the NOT-HEAVEN? Also, inside that black SUV, I could see arms waving around like one of those air-filled advertising floppy guys. I figure there were five or six kids in there. 

Nope. Not today! I pulled out of line, and left through the exit he had come in. I was not in a mood to wait any longer for him to order. I can only imagine how long it would take to prepare that food and get it out the window. 

Yes. I cut off my nose to spite my face. I don't regret it.


River said...

I was robbed too, yesterday, by myself! I walked away from the self-serve checkout and forgot to take my $5 change with me. I was halfway home before I realised and was just too tired to turn back for it. I've pretended I gave that $5 to a homeless person, but I shall be extra vigilant from now on.

Hillbilly Mom said...

So sorry that happened to you! When I do something like that, I figure it was meant to be, that SOMEBODY needed that money more than I did. It makes me feel better to imagine a person thrilled to find what I left behind.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Entitlement. What an ass!

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's what I said! To myself, loudly, behind closed windows.