Saturday, May 25, 2024

Another Typical Ponyism

We closed the deal on our QuickFlip house on Wednesday, selling it to the lady who wanted it as a home for her elderly mother. I picked up The Pony to meet Farmer H at the abstract company, so we could all sign the papers. The Pony is our partner in these flip house investments.

Everything went as planned. At one point as we were signing, the facilitator asked if any of us had changed our driver's license since three weeks ago when we officially bought the QuickFlip house. Nope. Still the same. She didn't have to take new copies of our ID.

When we left, I drove The Pony out to our bank to deposit his check from the profits. Farmer H and I are putting ours into a CD at our credit union, so it was just The Pony putting his in the bank. Also, while I was there, I planned to take out our weekly cash allowance, and not have to come back to do it on Thursday as usual.

The Pony prefers to go inside for his transactions. I was worried that the lobby would close at 3:00 like it used to. It was 2:50 when we got there, and I parked out front for The Pony to go in with his profit check. He was back almost instantly.

"They are still open, but I don't have my ID. So I can't make a deposit. They said it's the policy. I can come back another day, when I'm off."

"PONY! Why do you never have your ID??? Just like at the casino, when you couldn't get paid your jackpot!"

"I know, Mom. It's at home with my work stuff."

"Good thing we didn't need it to sign the house papers! Oh, well. I'm going around to the drive-thru to get my weekly cash. Do you know when the lobby closes? I can take you back home to get your ID."

"It says on the door that it's at 5:00. But that might be old. It's painted on."

"I'll ask when we go around."

So I did, after sending in the canister with my withdrawal slip and driver's license.

"What time does your lobby close? In case we want to come back with an ID to make a deposit?"

The gal must have recognized the name on the account. Maybe she was the same one who waited on The Pony in the lobby.

"We're open until 5:00. Aren't you on that other account?"

"Yes. I'm on it."

"We can just use your ID, and still deposit that check in the other account."

"That will be great! As long as it goes in the other account, and not this one I'm withdrawing from."

"Yes. It's no problem."

So she sent the canister back, and I put The Pony's check in it and sent it back. He got a receipt from his account that the check had been deposited.

That's the reason The Pony had left me on his bank account since college. So I can make transactions for him in case he can't get to the bank during business hours. A sound decision. And I don't snoop. Unlike a certain Farmer H we all know...


River said...

Silly Pony not carrying his ID everywhere. I never need mine but it is always with me. Lucky for him you were able to deposit that cheque for him.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I KNOW! You'd think that casino jackpot delay would have driven home the importance carrying ID at all times. Yes, it saved The Pony several days, since he'd have to get off work in time to get to the bank otherwise.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Yu are such a good mom!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I try, but sometimes fall short! This time I came to the rescue, without strangling The Pony with my apron strings.