Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mrs. HM Is Sure SHE Was Never This Annoying

As The Pony and I went in Save A Lot to shop on Wednesday after our signings to sell the QuickFlip house, we used one cart. I put my stuff in the child seat, and The Pony put his in the main cart. We did not stroll side-by-side, taking up the entire aisle. The Pony ranged afar, picking up his items and bringing them back. We encountered a pair who were not so considerate of other shoppers.

Going down the aisle where I told The Pony he could find the Sweet and Sour Sauce he desired for when he makes his frozen Chinese food, we faced a blockage. It was a woman with her adult son. NO! We were not looking into a mirror! 

This Woman had her cart in the middle of the narrow long aisle. Her son was standing at her side, playing a video game or something on his phone. He did not appear to be differently-abled. And was old enough to have beard stubble. So at least in his late teens. I suppose This Woman thinks she is a champion at playing the game of chicken. She did not move as I approached. So I had to stand, leaning on my cart-walker, until she deigned to proceed, and move to right side of the aisle to pass by me.

Everywhere we went in that store, This Woman and her cart were there, with her oblivious son taking up the rest of the aisle to stand and play his game.

Sweet Gummi Mary! Even when my kids were little, they did not take up so much space from other shoppers! The Pony would sit in the bottom of the cart, way past the age where it was considered socially acceptable, taking up room I need for groceries, while happily playing his GameBoy. Or assisting me by trotting to various aisle to select my items, somehow picking the foods that were smashed, dented, or partially-opened. Genius would wander off on his own, to the electronics section, to inquire about new shipments of hard drives or new technology. OR, he would prefer to ride on the bottom shelf of the cart, where most people stash cases of bottled water or soda or 50-lb bags of dog food, while stretching his arms out and pretending to be flying like SuperMan.


This Woman probably parks in handicap spaces without a placard! And is teaching her son to do it as well!


Rae said...

My husband does the shopping now, but when I used to do it alone or even when we shopped together, there was often that one couple that we would encounter right at the beginning of our shopping, that you could just tell was going to be trouble. As you encountered - using the entire aisle for their cart and being so slow and looking lost half of the time. And there was no avoiding them. We'd try to rearrange our scheduled list and take an unused aisle and before you knew it, there they were, pushing their cart slowly down the middle of the aisle. It's like we couldn't get away from them. No, they were not ever very young or very old - average age with the expectation of having more sense than shown. My husband does the shopping on Friday night, after work now, and has the best results for fewer people to contend with. However, it might also mean that he is unable to find everything on the list. Small price to pay. Hope you have a nice long weekend, with no storms to contend with. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

This is so true! I knew we would see them on every aisle. The same thing has happened to me in the other Save A Lot. You just KNOW at the beginning that you won't be able to get away from certain annoying shoppers!

I avoid Wednesdays, because that's the start of the new sale ads. And I try to go before 3:00 when schools let out. Nothing like tired hungry young'uns whining their way thought the store. Now that it's summer, I at least hope the kids I encounter are rested and fed.

Had a round of storms this morning, with more expected after 5:00, including 70 mph winds and possible "weak" tornados! AS IF a tornado is considered weak! Yesterday was good, and Monday will be fine. Just today that's sketchy. The Pony is off, and has volunteered to deliver packages on Monday to earn extra leave.

River said...

Shopping would be great if all the other shoppers were in anoter store! I get annoyed by people who meet up and block the aisle with two trolleys (one each) and stand there nattering like they're catching up on years apart. Then there are the ones who park their trolly to one side, out of the way, but always exactly where I need to reach for my items, while they are ranging back and forth just looking and deciding.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Then there are the shoppers with their phones, texting away, while parked in front of the items I want! Like the gal a couple days ago in 10Box, in front of the Fried Onions bags atop the canned vegetables aisle. I just parked and leaned on my cart-walker, waiting for her to leave. I guess she finally got the hint. Or finished her texting.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

The side by siders don't bother me as much as the reunions happening at various intervals in the store. Can't you just say hi and move on? Maybe plan a date to meet somewhere else after you shop? HeWho says it doesn't bother him, what else do we have to do? He is an idiot!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I can think of almost anything better to do than stand and listen to other people's reunions! HeWho needs a hobby other than being blocked on the grocery store aisle!