Friday, May 17, 2024

More Workplace Tribulations For The Pony

As if The Pony didn't have enough trouble worrying about the dogs who want to sink their teeth into his flesh while he is simply doing his job according to federal regulations... now there's another issue.

Let the record show that Mrs. HM is not at all mechanically-inclined, so her interpretation of these photos is akin to our deceased dog Grizzly explaining the workings of a 747 airliner.

The Pony's text came in shortly after 1:00 on Thursday:

"This weld on my door is broken!" [Meaning the weld on the door of the Metris vehicle that is assigned to The Pony's route.]

"I don't want to report it in case they take the Metris and don't fix it fast! Genuinely don't think I could handle the humid and hot days in an LLV!" [Long Life Vehicle]

"Maybe ask Dad about how bad it could be."

"It's 'door fall off' because that's one of the two pieces still intact connecting it."

"Wonder how long the other can hold."

"It won't if the top one goes off, uneven weight distribution and stuff will bend."

At 5:22 p.m.:

"It got worse but stayed on."

"Poor Pony. If it breaks, they will have to fix it. Unlike if they set it aside because it MIGHT break."

"Yeah. I told them. They apparently had to have at least one rewelded before. So at least they know what to do."

Well. The powers who control The Pony's vehicle know more than Mrs. HM! I can't make heads nor tails of these photos. But I don't want The Pony to have a door fall off his work vehicle!


River said...

Seems to me the sort of repair they need to get onto asap, they can't have fleets of vehicles at a standstill while the postal workers suffer in the summer heat.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The postal workers suffer the summer heat anyway, the ones driving the LLVs, like The Pony had to drive before he got this route. There are always vehicles that need repair, since the LLVs are from the 1980s. Two or three are sitting at the mechanic when I drive by on Thursdays to do my errands. At least The Pony has AC in the newer Metris van.

The post office HAS been providing Gatorade to the carriers. The Pony said he grabs two every day. They are the smaller size bottles, about 12 oz like a regular soda.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I see where it is pulling away. Needs welding. Even super glue won't hold that! It would be like The Pony chewing gum all day to give it a temporary fix.

Hillbilly Mom said...

If only you could strap on a welding mask and come fix it for The Pony! That would probably be faster than waiting on the USPS to get it done.