Monday, May 27, 2024

Laws Only Apply To Other People

With warm weather upon us, the scofflaws are converging on Hillmomba. Temps in the 80s are spurring ne'er-do-wells to drive to the country, and violate posted regulations.

Friday, on my way to town, there were people on the low water bridge. It's a public roadway, you know. Barely wide enough for two cars to pass. Yet a late-teen/young adult was standing on the left side of the bridge, tacklebox at his feet, holding a fishing pole. His companion had LEFT his fishing pole on the opposite side of the bridge. Just lying there on the concrete. While standing about 25 feet away, on the edge of the creek, reaching for something in the water.

I don't know if the second guy had tangled his hook on something, or was trying to grab some critter to use for bait. My point being that the two of these scofflaws were taking up room on both sides of the bridge, and had their truck parked ON THE ROAD, making it difficult for two vehicles to pass. Despite a sign posted that said NO PARKING.

On my way home Saturday, I turned onto our (PRIVATE) gravel road, and saw a car parked under the sign that says PRIVATE ROAD, TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED. And in the creek near the car, a man and woman were splashing about in their clothes.

Nobody owns a waterway. But landowners DO own the roads that give access to the waterways. People are welcome to wade and fish and swim in the public waterways. But they need to find somewhere to park their vehicles that does not impinge on the flow of traffic on public roads, nor trespass on private property. Perhaps somebody could drop them off and return to pick them up. It's not rocket science.

Scofflaws put a bee in Mrs. HM's bonnet!


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Blocking my private drive would not be a wise decision to make! I would be laying on my horn until they moved!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I made sure they saw me staring at them! If I was braver, I would have put down the passenger window and asked which house they lived in. You know, to make my point. Heh, heh! In my fantasies, if they said they didn't live here, I would have said, "Oh. So you're trespassers!" Then picked up my phone to where they could see me dialing. Alas. A dangerous thing to do in the middle of nowhere.

River said...

People coninue to be idiots and there is nothing anyone can do about it without fear of recrimination.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The worst part with the bridge people is that they were endangering other people and themselves. The guy on the bridge could have been hit by a car, and their truck in the road could have caused a collision. Most other idiots can just be ignored, rather than taking a chance on triggering violence.