Friday, May 31, 2024

Mrs. HM, The Over-Optimist

Wednesday night, I was in a hurry to shut down HIPPIE and get to the TV by 11:00 so I didn't miss the start of a show. I figured I could come back to the kitchen later, on a commecial, or when I got up for more ice in my metal water bottle, and bag up the full trash.

Well. I fell asleep! Can you believe that?

Farmer H was up as usual around 5:30. He picked up the two Diet Mountain Dew bottles that were sitting on the table beside his recliner. That's what he does. Leaves it there overnight, and carries it to the trash the next morning. Maybe he's waiting for me to do it... This time he waited TWO days!

Anyhoo... I heard the trash bag crinkling. Of course I assumed Farmer H was bagging it up himself so he could drive it up to the dumpster, resting on SilverRedO's hood, on his way to town. He went on about his morning routine, going through the laundry room to give the dogs water. Then setting out his morning Diet Mountain Dew, and a banana, on the cutting block to grab as he walked out.

Farmer H came back to the living room to sit on the long couch and say very much of nothing. I made my morning call to The Pony. Neither of us had any news to report, so it didn't last long. Farmer H revealed that he would not be playing bingo Thursday night. And then he left.

When I went to the kitchen at 7:00, there was the overflowing wastebasket. Only Farmer H had pulled up the sides of the bag to balance his two soda bottles on top without them rolling off.

I really should have known better than to suspend reality.


River said...

Yes, you should have, but there's always hope, right?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I survive on HOPE! Then reality jolts me back.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

HeWho is responsible for removing the trash and then taking it all to the county landfill. Back at the campground, I didn't mind grabbibg it and walking out to the dumpster. Usually because it got me out of the office!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have been bagging the trash, just because Farmer H does not deign to do so. I used to take the dumpster to the end of the driveway every week, when I was more mobile. Now we just let it sit there, and Farmer H puts the bags in as he leaves in the morning, driving them up there on the hood of SilverRedO.