Friday, May 24, 2024

Typical Pony

After our important meeting on Wednesday regarding the QuickFlip house, I drove The Pony to our bank. On the way back home, The Pony asked a question about an item at Save A Lot. He likes the frozen Crab Rangoon they have at the Hillmomba store. Yet I had not seen it in the Sis-Town store nearest The Pony's house.

"Oh! We can stop there now and take a look. I need salsa anyway, and I couldn't find it there last week."

We parked in the one remaining handicap space, and The Pony went to get me a cart as I hobbled toward the door. Once inside, The Pony trotted off to get items he wanted, like milk, cereal, duck sauce, and some frozen items. He also found my salsa on the chip aisle. We checked out with our separate orders, and proceeded back to T-Hoe. 

I had given The Pony my clicker to go unlock T-Hoe and open the back hatch. What happened next was typical Pony. By the time I got there with my cart/walker, the hatch refused to open.

"Pony! What did you DO???"

"I just pushed that button that I thought opened the back."

"Wait! Why are you messing with the glass part of the hatch? Did you open THAT part?"

"I don't know. But I think it came open. So I was just pushing on it to close it back."

"Well, use the handle part to open the hatch."

"I tried. But it won't do anything."

"WHAT? That always works. Let me do it."

Nope. The hatch wouldn't open. 

"What in the Not-Heaven did you DO?"

"I don't know! It just won't open!"

"Well. I guess we'll have to put it in the back seat. And maybe Dad can figure it out when I get home."

The Pony pushed on the glass to try and get it closed. Pushed on the hatch, which was open a couple of inches, but wouldn't budge either way. I was so exasperated that I spoke a bit harshly to The Pony.

"I have no idea how you have managed to do this! I never have an issue with opening T-Hoe's hatch! I've NEVER seen it not open by pushing the button on the hatch itself."

"Sorry. I don't know what I did..."

As I was turning the cart to go put my salsa in the back seat, The Pony suddenly got the hatch to open by pushing the button on the hatch itself. I think maybe he got the glass part of it to latch closed, and then the whole hatch opened.

The Pony has a way of complicating the simplest of procedures. But I still love him. And apologized for my harsh reaction. Oh, and the next day, I took The Pony the Crab Rangoons I had in my mini freezer, since I can get more when I go to the Hillmomba Save A Lot.


River said...

At least the hatch got sorted before you drove home and it was nice of you to give The Pony your crab rangoons. Salsa is in the chips aisle here too, since most people use it for dipping their chips.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I was most worried when the hatch wouldn't open, and wouldn't latch closed. I didn't want to drive it like that. I'm sure I would have had a warning chime for the next 30 minutes it took me to get home. And what if the hatch opened while I was driving???

I guess The Pony just randomly pushed the assorted buttons on T-Hoe's clicker. That's probably how he fixed the situation, too! He and I had already tried pushing the button on the hatch. Several times, with no result. Then it just worked.

I think the salsa should be in two places. With the chips, but also on the aisle with all the other sauces, like for Italian meals, and Chinese meals, and Mexican meals. If I'm getting taco seasoning, and tortillas, and refried beans, and jalapenos... I'd also like to grab the salsa right then.