Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The End Is Near, I Hope!

Mrs. HM has been on a scratcher losing streak for a while now. Some days I win enough to keep playing, but not as much as I spent, and no big winners. This has been going on for almost three months! I might have had a $100 winner, but I don't recall. Mostly, it's just money-back on a ticket. Nothing exciting. I can't recall having such a lengthy slump. It's almost as bad as Farmer H's luck with the lottery.

Still, I trust The Universe. While I'm preoccupied with buying my scratchers, and then scratching them, who knows what catastrophes I've avoided! It's all part of life's rich tapestry. I'm sure there are still some successes to be woven for Mrs. HM.

Even the tickets I bought for The Pony were losers. And The Fave, clerking at the Gas Station Chicken Store, has not won on the tickets I reward her with each week. Only $3 here, and maybe $5 there.

I still have hope. Losing streaks, like winning streaks, can't last forever. Well. Unless you're Farmer H!

Although I nearly slammed face-first onto the concrete when going to the garage on Sunday, at least my luck is not as bad as that of The Pony. A story which will be told on my not-so-secret blog, whenever I can bear to tell it...


River said...

Who says losing streaks can't last forever? Mine certainly has. I hope The Pony is okay..

Hillbilly Mom said...

Since winning streaks can't last forever, it's only fair that losing streaks can't, either! I'm not the only one in Hillmomba suffering a losing streak. For three months! That's almost forever!

The Pony is fine, physically. The tale will come, on my not-so-secret blog, in a day or two...