Friday, March 29, 2024

She's Quite A Traffic-Stopper

I lost my dang internet (bet you thought I was going to say MIND, didn't you) on Thursday at 12:30. I sent a text to Farmer H, who said he was headed home within an hour to put a belt on the lawnmower. Which lawnmower, I'm not sure. I think it was the red one on a trailer parked over at the BARn. Not the yellow one or green one parked under the carport where the Gator should be, except that it has been broken for several months now and is somewhere near the BARn.

Anyhoo... after resetting my router and satellite in the basement, Farmer H went back outside. I went to town. I'd just finished gassing T-Hoe when Farmer H sent a text that he was heading to town, because he had the wrong belt for that lawnmower. He must have taken his sweet time leaving, because I passed him on the other side of Mailbox Hill 30 minutes later.

I was only about 100 yards up the gravel road when I saw a familiar site. SCARLETT was beside the road, having just come up out of the little waterfall area of the creek. She knew the sound of T-Hoe, and came gamboling across the road in front of me, running alongside. Then she cut back across to my right side where I couldn't see her. I guess I wasn't going fast enough for her!

Then we rounded a little curve by the pole that the Farmer-H-Blacktopped-Hill-Badmouthing Wife of the Bad-Hay-Baling Lawyer's son had knocked down on his birthday, taking out power to our entire enclave. Coming towards us was a small black sports car. I'm not sure who drives it, but it belongs out here.

That dang Scarlett darted back across in front of me, right into the path of that car! I hit the brakes. He hit the brakes. All the while, Scarlett pranced and darted, looking at me over her shoulder. When she got back on my side, that sports car proceeded, as did I.

No good is going to come of this! Farmer H must find a way to stop Scarlett from chasing him all the way to the blacktop road. 

AND when we got back to the garage, Scarlett was smelling like perfume again! So who knows where else she'd been. Maybe she had followed Farmer H this morning, too, and somebody stopped to pet her. There wouldn't have been time from when I'd just passed Farmer H. Or maybe there was. A white car came along right after him, I think.

Anyhoo... Scarlett does not know enough about traffic to be running along the road down there. Jack, the good boy, was at home with Copper Jack.


River said...

Uh-Oh, I see trouble ahead unless/until Scarlett learns to stay near the house and not pass the gates.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. At least she seems able to find her way back now, though she DID follow/precede me this time. Probably she'll run out in front of somebody, and they'll stop, and because Scarlett is pretty, without a collar, and will gladly hop into a vehicle...they might take her. At least on the gravel road, Scarlett can run faster than the speed of a car, since she can avoid potholes easier. So cars are able to brake if she darts.

I fear it will only be worse with summer, and Farmer H in the yard with her. Then when he leaves to meet somebody to make a junk deal, Scarlett will follow him down the road.