Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Foiled Again By Farmer H

I know it's hard for you to believe that Farmer H is a bit lazy in the kitchen. But try to suspend your disbelief for a moment. I, myself, was shocked at my discovery when I opened the door of FRIG II Monday night.

On Saturday afternoon, Farmer H came in for lunch. He wanted something quick. 

"Where are those hot dogs I brought home?"

"The good ones? You ate three of them per meal, when you had them cut up in noodles. I ate the other two on those nights you had the noodles. So I didn't have to cook anything else."

"Huh. I was planning to have them for my lunch."

"There's one package of the OTHER FREE hot dogs left, in the freezer in the laundry room. Stick them in a bowl of hot water, and they'll thaw out in a few minutes."

Farmer H went to retrieve the hot dogs. He couldn't wait to thaw them.

"They'll be fine like this. I'll put them in the microwave."

He got out a ziploc baggie to put the other eight frozen hot dogs in for storage. They are the skinny toothpick hot dogs, not the big plump ones. 10 in a pack, rather than 8. 

"Huh. They don't wanna go in."

"That's because you're leaving them in the package! Are you so lazy that you can't take them out of the package and put them in a baggie? You always do that! And it leaves the juice all messy in the pack. You don't even pour it out."

"I'm not lazy, HM."

Whatever. I was not up for that discussion. I was trying to play out my free hour of accoutrements that I won on Candy Crush Saga, before losing them, and my lives.

Back to Monday night, when I went looking for the hot dogs, which Farmer H wanted cut up in some Cheddar and Broccoli packaged noodles. I didn't see that baggie anywhere. But wait! What's THIS?

Farmer H had wrapped those remaining hot dogs in FOIL! Because, you know, it doesn't matter if air gets in the package, or if fluid leaks out. It was my good non-stick foil, too! Not the cheap stuff.

I guess we're lucky that I didn't find the hot dogs lying naked, on the glass shelf of FRIG II.


River said...

AFTER you told him how to transfer the hot dogs he STILL went ahead and did the wrong (different) thing? That whoosh of air you just felt was me smacking him upside the head.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wish I'd felt that whoosh of air in real time, so I would have realized he was up to no-good! Rather than finding out later, and having to use it as the topic of "This Is The Time Of Day When We Talk About The Most Recent Thing You've Done Wrong."

Good thing it wasn't tonight, when time had to be devoted to "Why is there a cardboard tube on the holder, with no paper towels?"