Sunday, July 11, 2021

Another Case For The IRONY Investigators

The Pony reported another on-the-job injury last week. There was the wrist sprain, the cat-scratch, and the step in the yard-hole... and now THE THUMB SLICE.

"I was over in Bill-Paying Town, delivering on that road by the water park and the hospital and grandma's nursing home. Look! On the ball of my thumb. A tag on the mail had come loose, and I sliced my thumb. You'll never guess where I was delivering at the time. THE HOSPITAL!"

"Heh, heh. I guess that might be irony. I certainly hope you didn't get blood on the mail!"

"NO! I hear that SO MUCH! DON'T GET BLOOD ON THE MAIL! Of course I'm careful about that."

Thank the Gummi Mary there's no guillotine factory in the area...


River said...

Perhaps The Pony could wear some strong leather gloves when handling the mail, or those chainmail gloves that butchers wear when operating the vertical slicer.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think Farmer H actually has some of those chain mail gloves, since his former company manufactured saw blades for butchers, and had some accessories.

I think The Pony will need those fingertipless gloves for winter. Hopefully he won't end up fingertipless himself.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Was this slice on the thumb a serious paper cut? Or, are these tags placed on mail made of slivered glass? Sharp-edged metal? Please educate me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It LOOKED like a paper cut, yet The Pony specifically said it was from a tag. And he said it was on the MAIL, not on a package. Which is good to know, I guess, since nobody wants a slivered-glass tag on their package...